Water Services Trust Fund Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor Programme What is the SafiSan Project? 7/6/20151
The Name SafiSan 7/6/20152 Derived from Safi (Swahili word meaning clean) and Sanitation (English word meaning hygienic management of human faeces
When it comes to sanitation, what are some of the challenges that we face??? 7/6/20153
Sanitation challenges in Kenya Priority is given to improving water supply leaving sanitation lagging behind Most resources/ funding set aside for sanitation have been assigned for hygiene education. Toilet construction was not a priority A split sanitation sub-sector and unclear distribution of responsibilities. Different ministries working on sanitation and it is unclear sometimes who is responsible for what Very little regulation of toilets (particularly in low income areas) Very little regulation of waste from the toilets 7/6/20154
Sanitation challenges in Kenya Rapid urbanization (4.2% p.a.) and increasing population densities No space for constructing toilets Landlords do not want to invest in constructing toilets in their plots There are not enough low cost, sanitation technologies in the Kenyan market Insufficient experiences and best practices in sanitation up-scaling approaches Very poor emptying, transportation and disposal practices carried out Low prestige of emptiers 7/6/20155
What is the Water Services Trust Fund? 7/6/20156 WSTF is the pro-poor basket fund of the water sector which is successfully up-scaling water supply and public sanitation in urban low income areas through the Urban Projects Concept (UPC) window To address the sanitation challenges, the WSTF has developed a concept for up-scaling basic sanitation at household and plot level in low income urban areas which will be implemented between 2013 and This is known as the UBSUP/SafiSan programme
Water Services Trust Fund 7/6/20157 The UBSUP/SafiSan programme is implemented through UPC which has a proven track record in implementing projects with the WSP’s The project is funded by KfW and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) with technical support from the German International Cooperation (GIZ)
What is UBSUP? 7/6/20158 Upscaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor Six-year programme ( ) with projects financed through the Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF) and implemented by the Water Service Providers (WSPs) GOAL: Improving living conditions by offering sustainable sanitation to residents of urban low income areas in Kenya
Financing and Implementation 7/6/20159
Policy developments Within the framework of the water sector reforms 2003, the water sector has put necessary policy, legal and institutional frameworks to improve the sanitation situation Constitution of Kenya 2010: Sanitation is a human right Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (MEWNR) has drafted a new national water policy of 2014 taking into account the requirements of the CoK /6/201510
How is Sanitation governed? 7/6/201511
The UBSUP approach (1) Call for proposals: Water service providers apply for the UBSUP project within their jurisdiction with estimated minimum demand of 200 toilets (Phase 1) Social marketers (animators) promote toilet at household level (Public awareness raising and sanitation marketing) Households/Landlords register and choose from standardised toilet designs (UDDT, Pour flush, cistern flush) 7/6/201512
The UBSUP approach (2) Households/Landlords contract artisans to build toilet according to standards set Supervision of construction is done by the water service providers and field monitors from the Water Services Trust Fund After construction to the standards, the water service provider pays a subsidy 20,000 Kenya Shillings per toilet door regardless of the type of toilet chosen If a toilet has been rehabilitated, a subsidy of 15,000 Kshs is paid 7/6/201513
Objectives of the UBSUP/SafiSan Programme Aims to achieve up-scaling of basic sanitation by developing, testing and implementing innovative practical on-site sanitation systems and service delivery Aims at improving the living and health conditions of the urban poor through enhanced access to basic sanitation 7/6/201514
Objectives of the UBSUP/SafiSan Programme (2) It will enable residents of low income urban areas to apply good hygiene practices through improved access to adequate sanitation, awareness creation and sensitization The programme will be firmly integrated into the water and health sector policies and procedures to ensure sustainability 7/6/201515
Target and status of SafiSan 7/6/ Target To reach 600,000 people with improved sanitation and 200,000 people with improved access to clean water Status Concept development stage complete Testing and pilot phase complete in Oloolaiser, Nakuru and Embu Up-scaling has began with the first 20 WSPs being financed for the project!
Some UBSUP toilets 7/6/201517
7/6/ Rehabilitated toilets
Have you understood everything about the UBSUP programme? 7/6/ Thank you!