Assessment Update April 2015 Powerpoints handouts – 3 to a page Notes pages Nikki Tilson – Assessment and Achievement Adviser (Nursery and Primary) 1
KS2 tests Online marking – check guidance on page boundaries, pens, folding booklets etc Check all test administrator guidance Test materials delivered w/b Monday 27 April Keep KS2 pupil registration details up to date If you have applied for early opening or compensatory marks for the key stage 2 tests please check NCA tools in case DfE have asked for additional information. If not, you will be able to see the outcome of your application(s). Check test administrator guides e.g. SPAG - apostrophes, capital letters, no calculators except L6 paper 2 Test pack instructions, keeping materials secure, Dealing with issues How to answer pupils questions Using access arrangements Modified test administrator guides
Maladministration allegations Guidance on GOV.UK inc. for schools as polling stations Ensure training for all test administrators Recommend 2 test administrators per room Invite people in to avoid misunderstandings and possible allegations Test pack security, test administration and access arrangements, and test script storage LA monitoring – 10% minimum inc DfE list Will need to show delivery notes, proof of collection, access arrangements, timetable variations Guidance to avoid accusations of maladministration Training for all staff including readers, how to answer pupils questions, dealing with issues etc He 2 people to do opening, administering, collecting – always in twos. – as with safeguarding principles!!!! Invite people in - community, governor, secondary school so no misunderstandings Vistors could help with bagging up etc Collect papers in alphabetical order at end of test Write on cellotape on sealed packs when checked against delivery notes to protect them Guidance for Polling days Nover be tempted to see how well they have done Keep copies of delivery notes, proof of collection, access arrangements in line with normal classroom practice, timetable variations, early opening etc
Moderation Overviews and Requirements KS1 – test and tasks must be used to inform TA before moderation visits KS1 and KS2 - Use of NC level descriptions No portfolios, must have independent samples HT responsible for robust moderation processes Have to submit changes made as a result of moderation – if different, schools must contact LA, submit further evidence and reach agreement, otherwise investigated Examples of TA maladministration moderators must request to see results of test and tasks to identify how levels have been used to inform the schools TA Sole use of NC descriptions Maladministration – concern regarding TA evidence and processes within the school Lack of independent work Changes to TA judgements by school staff to influence school assessment outcomes Concern about the pattern of attainment
Reception Baseline Deadline 30th April 2015 if you opt for a baseline this year. Choice of 6 suppliers Suppliers need commitment from 10% of schools . DfE will notify you in June if your one is not viable Last year of EYFS Profile in June 2016, but EYFS and ELGs remain statutory. Reception baseline sits within broader assessment of children’s development NAHT guidance is a useful summary % of schools who reached 2013 floor target of 60% L4+ in R, W and M in 2013? % of school who reached proposed floor target of 85% L4B+ in R, W, M in 2013? Progress floor standard has to be in R, W and M CEM/BASE – quick, on screen, basic skills Early Excellence – observation based + within EYFS GL – on screen, assesses very particular skills Hodder – paper based work books, basic skills NFER – task based, linked to EYFS Speech Link – on screen, speech and basic skills
Progress from Reception baseline to KS2 Individual scores will not be used to track individual progress, but to compare progress with others nationally with same starting point. “When pupils reach the end of key stage 2, we will use the reception baseline score to calculate how much progress they have made compared to others with the same starting point. A school’s measure of progress will be the average progress made by its pupils.” Will help DfE to allocate funding for schools with low prior attainment once EYFSP is not compulsory As part of the changes, we are introducing an assessment at the start of reception year. We will collect a score for each child following the assessment, but we will not use it to track individual pupil progress. The purpose of the reception baseline is to provide a score for each pupil at the start of reception. When pupils reach the end of key stage 2, we will use the reception baseline score to calculate how much progress they have made compared to others with the same starting point. A school’s measure of progress will be the average progress made by its pupils. The reception baseline will be part of teachers’ broader assessments of children’s development, which will be wider than any single baseline assessment can accurately capture. Measuring primary schools’ progress From the 2016 reception cohort onwards, the reception baseline assessment will be the only measure we use as the starting point for measuring progress to the end of key stage 2. We will hold schools to account at the end of key stage 2 by the attainment of their pupils and the progress they have made. When pupils who have taken the reception baseline reach the end of key stage 2, we will compare their score on the key stage 2 tests with other pupils who achieved the same score on the same reception baseline. We will use this score comparison for all pupils in a school, to produce the progress measure for the school. Pupils in a school do not need to have taken the same reception baseline in order to be included in the measure, as the comparison will be national. Allocating prior attainment funding The reception baseline will also allow us to allocate low prior attainment funding to primary and infant schools from 2016 once the EYSF profile stops being compulsory. This funding helps schools support pupils whose attainment was below the expected level before reception year.
Southwark Tracking and Assessment Record STAR (Primary) Feedback from pilot schools Significant changes made to R and W Maths – now writing Y6 Continuing to pilot changes, consider mastery, collect exemplification Curriculum and Assessment briefing – Thursday 7th May, 1:30 – 4:00 for SLT Outline of Assessment Conference - July 9th - for HT and Assessment Coordinator Plan in INSET days for transfer to new system R and W have bold statements, M couldn’t Training focus for teachers next year – mastery Curriculum and Assessment briefings Plan ahead for training and communicating with teachers and TAs, Parents, Govs – Materials – will need to build on mastery as we learn more next, general progress tweaks, new TA performance descriptors Transition – teachers to level with old system and new system end of year or beginning of next year? Start at relevant year group and adjust for gaps Still draft – we want to get this right Would have materials without training Findings likely to be about exploring assessment of mastery Mastery Series – planning, teaching inc differentiation, and assessment of In depth learning with appropriate challenge.
Data submission deadlines Survey Detail Deadline KS2 teacher assessment Collection opens: Monday 1 June All schools should enter their KS2 teacher assessments (including P scales) directly on to the Standards and Testing Agency on the Teacher Assessment section of NCA tools. So Southwark LA can get school profiles out as early as possible we are asking that you also submit the data to Southwark Stats Submit data to: AND Wednesday 24 June STA deadline is 26 June, however the LA strongly recommend the 24 June so there is time to address any possible issues KS1 teacher assessment Collection opens: Monday 1 June Submit data to: EYFS Collection opens: Monday 22 June Friday 26 June Y1 Phonics and Y2 re-tests Collection opens: Friday 19 June Wednesday 1 July Wait for moderation before submitting results in KS1 and EYFS
Key statements – linked to NC Year 3 Emerging Developing Secure Number – Counting and Place Value Read and write numbers to 200 in numerals and words Count from 0 in multiples of 4 Say/identify the number that is ten more or less within 200 Order and compare numbers up to 200 Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number to 200 including the use of practical resources Read and write numbers to 500 in numerals and words Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8 and 100 Say/identify the number that is ten or one hundred more or less than a given number within 500 Order and compare numbers up to 500 Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number to 500 including the use of practical resources Read and write numbers to 1,000 in numerals and words Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 Say/identify the number that is ten or one hundred more or less than a given number to 1,000 Order and compare numbers up to 1,000 Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number to 1,000 Solve number, practical and word problems that involve all of the above Addition and Subtraction Number – Mentally add a three-digit number and ones and a three-digit number and tens within 200, including the use of jottings such as a number line Mentally subtract ones/tens from a three-digit number within 200, including the use of jottings such as a number line Use a range of mental strategies to add and subtract (for example, add 19 to a two-digit number by adding 20 and adjusting) Add two two-digit numbers, bridging 100, using informal written methods Subtract two two-digit numbers, and a two-digit number from a three-digit number, within 200 using informal written methods Mentally add a three-digit number and ones; tens; hundreds within 500, including the use of jottings such as a number line Mentally subtract from a three-digit number ones; tens; hundreds within 500, including the use of jottings such as a number line Use a range of mental strategies to add and subtract (for example, add 19 to a two-digit or three-digit number by adding 20 and adjusting) Begin to use the formal written method to add two two-digit numbers Begin to use the formal written method to subtract two two-digit numbers Mentally add a three-digit number and ones; tens; hundreds, including the use of jottings such as a number line Mentally subtract from a three-digit number ones; tens; hundreds within 1000, including the use of jottings such as a number line Use a range of mental strategies to add and subtract (for example, add 19, 18... to a two-digit or three-digit number by adding 20 and adjusting) Add numbers with up to three-digits using the formal written method Subtract numbers with up to three-digits using the formal written method Solve word problems involving addition / subtraction using the methods outlined above Solve number problems, including missing number problems, and puzzles that involve all of the above Solve number problems, including missing number problems, and puzzles that involve all of the above Flexibility – best fit highlighting, key skills Key statements – linked to NC Maps out steps of progression towards an end of year standard Aiming at capturing progression Will work for transfer of information Tim Oates video – about assessment for learning, next steps, embedding/application Tracking – steps mapped out to support teachers assess who is on track to reach an end of year standard Accountability tool
Meeting HTs and Meeting Lewisham, Greenwich and Bexley, and Gwen Year 1 Year 1 E Year 1 D Year 1 S 19 20 21 Attainment - % at each step that are on track to be secure at end of each year *Denotes mastery at each step 3 steps a year is typical progress 4+ steps a year is rapid progress Below – emerging in age related year group or below age related year group Working towards – 1 step below secure in age related year group At – secure at in age related year group Beyond/above – at any point beyond age related Mastery/depth- acknowledge in conjunction with previous terminolgy Below Exceeding PSC Year 2 Year 2 E Year 2 D Year 2 S 22 23 24 Towards Tests + TA performance descriptors At + mastery Year 3 Year 3 E Year 3 D Year 3 S 25 26 27 Year 4 Year 4 E Year 4 D Year 4 S 28 29 30 Year 5 Year 5 E Year 5 D Year 5 S 31 32 33 Below Y6 Year 6 Year 6 E Year 6 D Year 6 S 34 35 36 Towards Y6 Tests and TA performance descriptors At + Meeting HTs and Meeting Lewisham, Greenwich and Bexley, and Gwen Have seen Sheffield, Croydon, Hertfordshire All year group models apart from learning ladders Not all Las are developing models Good for transfer of information we think – eg Greenwich and outstanding schools.