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In an event that you need to retrieve the database from different location, you can change the database information here. NOTE: All previous data will be lost if you reset or restore the database. Server: IP address where MySQL database are installed. By default, MySQL are installed into the same server as Ingress software. Username: Login name of MySQL database Password: Login Password of MySQL database Port: Default port is If you are using different network port to communicate with MySQL database, you may change this. Click Test Connection once the properties are filled in to try connecting to the MySQL database. If connection fails, change the properties accordingly. Click Save for changes to take effect.
Data stored in the database can be cleared or initialize. Select the specific data that you want to initialize from the right window > Click on Initialize Database. BACKUP DATABASE To backup the data stored in MySQL, click Browse > Select the output file location > Click Backup to proceed. RESTORE DATABASE To restore the data into MySQL, click Browse > Select the file location > Click Restore to proceed.
You can configure the date/time and other display settings of Ingress here. Date Format: You can choose either YYYY-MM-DD, DD-MM-YYYY or MM- DD-YYYY. Time Format: You can choose either AM/PM or 2400 format. Hour Format: You can choose either HH.HH or HH.MM format. Mini Visual Map Display Number: You can set to either display 6, 9 or 12 visual maps during monitoring. Auto Log Off (mins): Duration (in minutes) for the device to be idling before it automatically logs off. Server Download Transaction Log Interval: Intervals for the device to download transaction logs repeatedly at a specific time. If it is not required to use this function, set it to 00:00 to disable this option. Specify daily download timer for system to activate the automatic download process every day: Maximum of 2 daily timers can be set to trigger the devices to perform auto download of transaction logs from devices.
Server Generate Audit Data Interval: Time interval can be set so that Ingress can generate raw data to update into Attendance Sheet accordingly. Ignore if you are using attendance feature in Ingress. Device Connection Timeout: Waiting time for Ingress to justify device is in offline mode when there is no network. Synchronize users in the device: Synchronizes the device with the settings done at Ingress software. Allow Wiegand settings: Wiegand tab will appear at Device Settings if this checkbox is ticked.
You can customize/add additional data field at user’s information page. The additional fields will appear at “Others” tab.
Click Edit > Add to add new field Insert the name of information i.e: Valid Driving license. Select type of data from the dropdown menu. Text box – You can fill in the text freely. Combo box – Drop down to select description (require data from Item Data). Check box – Box to check and uncheck selection. DateCombo box – column to display calender for data selection. Insert description into Item Data. Click Add to save into list > Save for changes to take effect.
Repeat the steps to create new data fields. All new fields will appear in Users Page under ‘Other’ tab. EDITING A FIELD Click Edit > Select the field that you wish to edit and click Update > Click Save to save the changes. REMOVING A FIELD Click Edit > Select the field that you wish to Remove > Click Save to save the changes.
COMPANY INFO You can fill in the information of your company and local reseller. You can also add your company’s watermark into every report here. ADDING COMPANY INFORMATION Company information are to be inserted in the left panel where as local reseller information will be in the right panel.
Click the browse icon to browse for the watermark image and click Open. Image must be in.jpeg format. Select the type of Display Mode desired from the drop down menu. Click – Watermark display at the center of page. Stretch – Watermark stretch to cover the whole page. Zoom – Watermark zoom to bigger size. Tick the checkbox for “Show Watermark in Report” to activate watermark in all reports.
SYSTEM USER Ingress supports multi-client log in, meaning that other people with privileges can log into Ingress to use its functions besides the administrator. You MUST create new roles first before setting up users account. ADDING NEW ROLES Click User Roles > Add Role Name the role, for example System Operator > Select which modules to allow for viewing under View column > Select which modules to allow for editing under Edit column > Click OK NOTE: If any of the parameters in edit column are ticked, the corresponding checkbox in view column will be automatically ticked.
EDITING A ROLE Click on the generated role and click Edit Role > Edit the necessary configuration > Click Ok for the changes to take effect. REMOVING A ROLE Click on the generated role and click Remove Role > Click Yes to remove role.
USER ACCOUNT Once the user role is generated, you can now proceed to create new user. ADDING AN ACCOUNT Click User Account > Add Account Insert username and login password. Assign role from the dropdown menu > Click Activate to grant access to this account user. You can also choose to enroll fingerprint to this user to access Ingress instead of using password.
EDITING AN ACCOUNT To edit an account, select the specific account and click Edit. Perform the necessary configuration Click OK for the changes to take effect. REMOVING AN ACCOUNT Click on the specific account and click Remove Account > Click Yes to remove account. NOTE: By default, there is one pre-set user role in Ingress which is the Administrator, who has the highest privilege. This Role cannot be removed.
You can configure different type of events to trigger alarm in Ingress, linked up the SMTP server to send notification to specific recipients and also send push notification to users who are using Ingress Mobile (iOS or Android).
Select Alarm > Choose Priority (1 being the highest level) > Add > Select Ingressus or Standalone devices > Select the events to include under the priority level > Click OK to save. Tick the checkbox for Program sound to enable sound alert from PC. Select the sound from the dropdown menu (.wav) Define the duration for the alarm. Tick the checkbox of Send to enable notification function. template can be edited by clicking the ellipse button > Preview edit accordingly > Save Tick the checkbox of Send Push Notification to enable push notification to users using Ingress Mobile apps (iOS or Android). Select the color to highlight the event when it is under monitoring process > Click Save for changes to take effect.
Click Sound > Edit > Add > Select the sound file to be added into Ingress software > Apply Click Save for changes to take effect. You can add a maximum of 5.wav file Click Play to listen to the.wav file added. Click Delete if the sound is not desired.
Click > Click Edit at Configuration > Insert all the necessary information marked with asterisk (*) sign to connect to SMTP server > Save Click Edit under Recipients Info > Click Add > Insert Users’ address and name > Click OK to save the settings Save for the changes to take effect.
NETWORK CAMERA INTEGRATION Network camera can be added to stream video in Ingress for monitoring purposes (playback or lifeview). However, you must configure the login details accordingly in Ingress. As of now, Ingress supports only 2 brand namely Milestone and EpiCamera. MILESTONE This is a sever-based software whereby a server is needed. Select Milestone under Network Camera Integration > Insert IP and Port number of the Milestone server > Click Test Connection to make sure connection is established > Click OK to Save the settings.
This is a web-based camera where by a server is not necessary to install this. Select EpiCamera under Network Camera Integration > Click Edit > Insert Login Username & password of your EpiCamera account > Click Test Connection to make sure connection is established > Define the time interval to collect images from EpiCamera > Click OK to Save the settings.