OUR MISSION “It is the mission of the Odessa Fire Rescue Honor Guard to be ambassadors of our profession and represent the department as a highly disciplined team serving with honor at public relation events, ceremonial functions, and with respect and dignity at funeral services.”
OUR STRUCTURE Para-military structure Commander of the Guard Captain of the Guard Sergeant of the Guard Guide 2 Squad leaders 9 Guardsmen
Established in man roster 12 man roster Currently have a 15 member roster Selected from suppression, FMO, and admin ABOUT US
CANIDATE REQUIREMENTS Must be in good standing within the Department with no pending disciplinary actions or past disciplinary actions within a Three (3) year period. A minimum of 6 months within the Department Meet the departments grooming standards Capable of maintaining appearance and bearing Capable of demonstrating discipline and attention to detail Provide a letter of recommendation from the candidates immediate supervisor and or BC Be sponsored by a current non-ranking guard member.
Meet all previously listed requirements Oral board Personal appearance Tact/bearing Sincerity Conditional offer from Commander of the Guard 6 months probationary period Meet all probationary requirements Sign a two year contract “Patched in” SELECTION PROCESS
Minimum attendance requirements Meet once a month on the second Tuesday from 18:00-20:00 Uniform inspections Meets training requirements Basic drill Flag folding Color presentation 2 mile unit fun run Manual of arms Casket bearing Squad leader / guide challenge MEMBER REQUIREMENTS
Public Education opportunities Recruitment Color Guard presentations TTUHSC Graduations Football games Rock Hounds games Parades City functions Memorials PB Honor Flight United Way Annual Banquet Funerals Assist in custom and courtesy education throughout the department FUNCTION
FUNERALS Strict protocol 33 page protocol outlining customs and courtesies Line of Duty Non line of duty Retired Guard Preparation Flag folding Bell ceremony Casket watch Pallbearers Family escorts It’s the little things A patch We never turn our back LODD preparation