FAMOUS FAILURES Dr. Milton E. Larson, “Humbling Cases for Career Counselors,” Phi Delta Kappan, February 1973, Volume LIV, No. 6; 374
are often not recognized by their peers. History is full of examples. Creative and imaginative people are often not recognized by their peers. History is full of examples.
…that she could never write anything with popular appeal. A book editor said… Louisa May Alcott She wrote Little Women. …that she could never write anything with popular appeal.
…he was too stupid to learn anything. His teachers told him… …he was too stupid to learn anything. Thomas Edison
A music teacher once said… “As a composer he is hopeless.” Ludwig van Beethoven
…“because he had no good ideas.” A newspaper fired him…. …“because he had no good ideas.” Walt Disney
He flunked out of school… …and even his private tutor gave up on him. Pablo Picasso
…because he thought so long… His parents believed... …he was retarded… …because he thought so long… …before he answered a question. Albert Einstein
A small set-back becomes a failure only when you don’t… TRY AGAIN!