SAG-Proposed Nutrition Cluster Objectives Nutrition Cluster- South Sudan South Sudan Nutrition Cluster tion
South Sudan SRP- Strategic objectives SO1: Save lives and alleviate suffering by Providing multi-sector assistance to people in need. SO2: Reinforce the protection of the rights of the most vulnerable people, including their freedom of movement. SO3: Improve self-reliance and coping capacities of people in need by protecting, restoring and promoting their livelihoods.
SAG-Proposed Cluster Objective-1 Cluster Objective 1: Deliver quality lifesaving treatment/management of acute malnutrition for at least XXX percent of SAM cases and at least XXX per cent of MAM cases in girls and boys aged 0-59 months, pregnant and lactating women and other vulnerable groups Supports SRP Strategic Objective: 1, 2
SAG-Proposed Cluster Objective-2 Cluster Objective 2: Provide access to programmes preventing acute malnutrition and reducing morbidity and mortality for at least XXX per cent of girls and boys aged 0-59 months, pregnant and lactating women Supports SRP Strategic Objectives: 2, 3
SAG-Proposed Cluster Objective-3 Cluster Objective 3: Ensure enhanced needs analysis of the nutrition situation and enhanced monitoring and coordination of response Supports SRP Strategic Objectives: 1, 2, 3