E LDERSLIE PS – S TAGE 3 E NGLISH C ONCEPT S TUDY : A PPROPRIATION Taking an object or text from one context and using it in another context. Click for Program document.
Suitable titles to explore this concept:
E NGLISH C ONCEPT - A PPROPRIATION Examples from “The Key to Rondo” Examples of Appropriation can be found throughout this book. The introduction of the music box, and the suggestion that it is odd amongst other items, sets the scene for other events in the text. Students require knowledge of nursery rhymes and fairy tales to be able to identify examples of Appropriation in this text.
E NGLISH C ONCEPT - A PPROPRIATION Examples from “The Key to Rondo” The text sets the reader up to be actively looking for examples of Appropriation.
E NGLISH C ONCEPT - A PPROPRIATION Examples from “The Key to Rondo”
E NGLISH C ONCEPT - A PPROPRIATION Examples from “The Key to Rondo”
E NGLISH C ONCEPT - A PPROPRIATION Examples from “Me and You” by Anthony Browne This text appropriates the story of Goldilocks into a modernised plot. The visual literacy presents the student with the opportunity to interpret images and make inferences about the characters.