Mitsuru Kakizaki (University of Toyama) Indirect reach of the heavy MSSM Higgs boson mass scale by precise measurements of Higgs boson decay branching ratios at future linear colliders Mitsuru Kakizaki (University of Toyama) Asian Linear Colliders Workshop (ALCW2015), 20-24 April 2015 @ KEK In collaboration with Shinya Kanemura, Mariko Kikuchi, Toshinori Matsui, Hiroyuki Taniguchi and Hiroshi Yokoya (U. of Toyama) Work in progress April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
This is not the end of the story Motivation Discovery of a Higgs boson at the CERN LHC The Standard Model (SM) is established as a low-energy effective theory below GeV This is not the end of the story Unsolved questions include: Hierarchy problem Is the Higgs boson elementary or composite? Dynamics behind the EW sym. breaking? Origin of the Higgs coupling? Is the Higgs boson solitary? Higgs boson = Window to New Physics An SM-like Higgs boson The SM Higgs boson Hints of new physics are obtained by investigating properties of the discovered Higgs boson April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Strategy New physics effects are left in the Higgs couplings Fingerprinting of the Higgs couplings: New phys New physics scale can be determined New models can be distinguished :SM particle ILC accuracy of : percent level [ILC Higgs White Paper] Precise prediction of the Higgs couplings is important [See Prof. Kanemura’s talk] This talk: In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) , we evaluate Higgs boson branching ratios at 1-loop level The indirect heavy Higgs mass reach is obtained through the ratio of the Higgs decay rates measured at the ILC The indirect heavy Higgs mass reach at the ILC can be higher than the direct reach at the LHC [See also Prof. Endo’s talk] [For 2HDM, see Ms. Kikuchi’s talk; for composite models, see Dr. Kaneta’s talk] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Loop corrections to the MSSM Bottom Yukawa coupling MSSM Higgs sector: :SM-like Higgs boson :MSSM heavy Higgs bosons Bottom Yukawa interaction: [ILC Technical Design Report; ILC Higgs White Paper] - SUSY breaking “Wrong Higgs coupling” [Hall,Rattazzi,Sarid(1994);Hempfling(1994); Eberl,Hidaka,Kraml,Majerotto,Yamada(2000); Haber,Mason(2008);Endo,Moroi,Nojiri(2015), ...] Bottom quark mass: Bottom Yukawa coupling to the SM-like Higgs boson: April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Properties of the Bottom Yukawa coupling There are two new mass scales in the MSSM: In the limit of large with fixed - SUSY loop corrections do not decouple for small and are enhanced for large , (in sharp contrast to the type-II two-Higgs-doublet model) In the limit of a large heavy Higgs boson mass - SUSY radiative corrections decouple April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Numerical Analysis FeynHiggs2.10.3 is used [ Hahn,Heinemeyer,Hollik, Rzehak,Weiglein,Williams] FeynHiggs2.10.3 is used The Higgs boson masses and mixing angle are computed at 2-loop level in the on-shell scheme Higgs boson decay rates are computed at 1-loop level [Williams,Weiglein(2008)] Imposed conditions: CP conservation; No color or charge breaking No negative sfermion mass squared Superparticle mass bounds obtained at the LHC 1st Neutralino is the lightest supersymmetric particle Simplifying assumptions: Mass universality for the 1st and 2nd generation sfermions Universal A-parameters: April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
MSSM Parameters and Constraints Input parameters: Constraints: Reference point: (Common) (Common) Scanned parameters: April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Heavy MSSM Higgs Mass Reach at ILC 500 To cancel uncertainties of the production and total decay rate, we consider the ratio of branching fractions: ILC 500 ILC sensitivity: [ILC Higgs White Paper(2013)] [ATLAS (2014)] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Heavy MSSM Higgs Mass Reach at ILC 500 To cancel uncertainties of the production and total decay rate, we consider the ratio of branching fractions: ILC 500 ILC sensitivity: [ILC Higgs White Paper(2013)] [ATLAS (2014)] [Morinaga, JPS 70th Annual Meeting (2015)] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Heavy Higgs Mass Reach (Luminosity Upgrades) ILC 500 LumiUp: ILC 1000 LumiUp: [ILC Higgs White Paper; ATLAS (2014)] The indirect reach through the Higgs coupling measurements can be higher than the LHC direct observation limits The indirect reach of the MSSM heavy Higgs boson mass can be significantly extended, compared to the tree-level results April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Heavy MSSM Higgs Mass Reach (Luminosity Upgrades) ILC 500 LumiUp: ILC 1000 LumiUp: [ILC Higgs White Paper; ATLAS (2014); Morinaga, JPS 70th Annual Meeting (2015)] The indirect reach through the Higgs coupling measurements can be higher than the LHC direct observation limits The indirect reach of the MSSM heavy Higgs boson mass can be significantly extended, compared to the tree-level results April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Summary We have evaluated SM-like Higgs boson branching fractions including loop corrections in the MSSM Due to the non-decoupling effects, of the Higgs couplings significantly deviate from the tree-level predictions The indirect heavy MSSM Higgs mass reach through the ratio of the SM-like Higgs decay branching ratios is shown at each ILC stage The indirect heavy MSSM Higgs reach at the ILC can be higher than the direct limit at the LHC Fingerprinting of Higgs boson couplings is a powerful tool to explore and distinguish models explaining dynamics of the EWSB (MSSM, NMSSM, Composite models, ...) and should be encouraged April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Backup slides April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Determination of the Higgs Boson Branching ratios at the ILC Expected accuracies for cross section times branching ratio for the 125 GeV Higgs boson: [ILC Higgs White paper (2013)] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Determination of the Higgs Boson Couplings at the ILC Expected accuracies for model independent determination of the 125 GeV Higgs boson couplings: [ILC Higgs White paper (2013)] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Heavy MSSM Higgs boson search at the LHC Exclusion limit at the LHC through [arXiv:1409.6064] [arXiv:1408.3316] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Expected Heavy MSSM Higgs Boson Mass Reach at the LHC 5 sigma direct discovery potential of the MSSM heavy Higgs bosons at the LHC through: [ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-016] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Expected Heavy MSSM Higgs Boson Mass Reach at the LHC Expected 95% CL exclusion limit at the LHC ATLAS [From Morinaga, JPS 70th Annual Meeting (2015)] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Wrong-Higgs Yukawa interactions 1-loop diagrams contributing to the wrong-Higgs Yukawa interactions: 3-point scalar interactions: [Haber,Mason(2008)] April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI
Yukawa couplings in the MSSM Radiative corrections to the bottom Yukawa coupling: April 20, 2015 Mitsuru KAKIZAKI