Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness in [DISTRICT NAME/ BUILDING NAME] Date/Presenter
The Educator Effectiveness (EE) System is… Designed to support the continuous improvement of educator practice that leads to improved student learning Built BY and FOR Wisconsin educators An objective, performance-based evaluation for teachers and principals A tool to provide meaningful feedback for professional growth
EE is NOT… A “gotcha” or “one size fits all” mandate A result of Act 10 Designed to compare or rank educators A rash or impulsive reform [or other common fear in district/school]
Who will participate in the EE System? [Describe locally included educators] [Share the DPI Flowchart to identify mandated educators]DPI Flowchart [Explain how administrators decided who will be in a Summary Year this year] [Describe any impact on non-EE System staff]
Who can be an EE evaluator? Evaluators are active administrators AND Complete training [Describe evaluator training (including Teachscape Focus certification)] Typical Evaluator Roles[Explain application in district/school]: – Superintendents evaluate principals – Principals evaluate assistant principals and teachers Assistant principals evaluate teachers – Principals/other administrators with additional training MAY evaluate other principals
Who will evaluate me? Lead evaluators [Identify specific names or roles, (i.e., “building principals”, Director of Instruction, etc.) and any other evaluators who may contribute to an educator’s Summary Year scores and Summary Graph, if applicable] Other administrators [Explain (if relevant) which administrators in the district other than the superintendent will evaluate other administrators] Other evaluators [Explain (if relevant) any special circumstances such as the use of evaluators from other districts, retired educators, CESA personnel, etc.)]
When will I participate in EE? Effectiveness Cycle [explain Effectiveness Cycle in district/school, Summary versus Supporting Years, expectations] Observations [explain number/type of observations]
What EE training will I receive? [Explain local training procedures] – Step 3 Training (evaluators) – Step 4 (all) [Dates of scheduled in-service days, training opportunities] [Additional local training information/resources]
Who will support me over the Effectiveness Cycle? Explain local supports [Effectiveness coaches, CESA contacts/Implementation Coaches/PLCs, mentors] [Contact person/people for Teachscape, evaluation management, or resource questions]
Is my EE Data private? Wisconsin law prevents districts from releasing EE data in response to an Open Records request. Wis. Stat.§ (2m). [Explain district policy for protection or viewing of EE Data] [Include any penalties/consequence for a breach of policy by a district employee or board member]
Will I get a final EE Score? No, EE represents educator results on a Summary Graph Coordinate Pair [Show Practices Summary and Student Outcomes Summary and explain Summary Graphic]Practices Summary Student Outcomes Summary Summary Graphic Training [Reminder that Steps 1, 2 and 4 training for educators will explain the EE System in detail, including scoring components, screencasts of how to use Teachscape, and the Summary Graph]
How will [school/district] use EE Data? [Specify the role of EE System data in the overall district supervision and evaluation process] [Explain the relationship between EE System elements and related components of the district’s supervision and evaluation process, for example:] – new educator mentoring and induction support – criteria for moving an educator into an improvement plan – grounds for non-renewal or dismissal – impact on local compensation and advancement systems
What about conflict resolution in the EE System? [Explain conflict resolution process including reconciling differences of opinion between an evaluator and educator regarding (for example)]: – scoring – request from an educator or district for an early or additional Summary Year – request from an educator for re-evaluation – appeals to the final scoring decision, etc.
How can I get more information about EE? Visit the EE Website: For the latest EE updates and resources, follow the EE Twitter feed: and Pinterest board: EE Twitter feed [Identify local district dedicated page/contact person and other local resources]