The need for good ethics and integrity as part of every SafiSan Project Water Services Trust Fund ETHICS AND INTEGRITY AT THE WORK PLACE
Ethics : Moral principles governing conduct Integrity: It is the quality of having strong morals: the application of moral principles, standards of behavior, or set of values regarding proper conduct in the workplace as individuals and in a group setting
“Lose your wealth and you have lost nothing Lose your health and you have lost something Lose your integrity and you have lost everything” Woodrow Wilson (28 th President of the United States, from 1913 to 1921) Famous quotes about integrity “I am innocent, I did not steal anything” Jack Warner (former FIFA Vice Chairman, criminal suspect accused of fraud)
Integrity is knowing that:..what you are is more important than what you say..standing up for what is right alone supersedes standing with is better to deserve honors and not have them than have them and not deserve them
Question: Why do we need integrity at the work places?
It creates stability in institutions It helps in personal branding (security, trust, confidence, better decisions) It extends positive influence- Abates corruption, improves the moral standing of our nation It creates safety - saves lives It safe guards institutional property and funds It protects the The need for integrity at the work places
Question: How can ethics and integrity in the workplace be demonstrated?
Stay positive Abiding by the rules Stay professional Take pride in your work Immediately attempting to correct an issue Avoid temptations Set the example Good Workplace Ethics & Integrity
Staying productive Be accountable for your actions Take initiatives Think critically to be able to solve problems Blowing the whistle Be punctual Good Workplace Ethics& Integrity
Question: How do you encourage integrity in the workplace?
Communication (be clear and consistent) Fair consequences Fair treatment Recognition How to Encourage integrity in the Workplace
Have office policies Transparency Trainings Have plans of action Constructive feedback How to encourage integrity in the Workplace
Benefits of good ethics and integrity
Loyalty Desirable work environment Produce results Build good references Good office morale Growth and expansion Recognition Benefits of good ethics & integrity at the workplace
Rationalization by the wrongdoers It’s not part of my job description Everybody does it Nobody is going to notice I don’t get paid enough Unrealistic expectations of what the job entails
Ignoring procedures and policies Abusing confidentiality agreements Illegal practices Stealing Examples of poor ethics and integrity at the work places
Making decisions for your own personal gain Lack of communication Withholding information Falsifying information Consequences of not having integrity at the work place
Stealing Poor customer services Gossiping Abusing computer privileges Ignoring problems Blackmail Examples of poor ethics and integrity at the work places
Taking on roles that are not under your job prescription Being unpunctual; poor attendance Lying Bribes Examples of poor ethics and integrity at the work places
Consequences of Poor Ethics and Integrity at the Workplace
Consequences of poor ethics & integrity at the workplace Corruption Theft Stricter rules Fewer privileges An undesirable work environment Stunted growth and productivity in the work force
Causes a domino affect among other colleagues Potential job loss Potential closing of the organization Consequences of poor ethics & integrity at the workplace
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