Formation of relationships Matching Hypothesis Introduction to A2 Psychology
Introduction Write-up In order to pass the ethics committee you need to have: A project proposal form A copy of your introduction to hand in A consent form with 20 places to sign Details of your method on standardised instructions
What is an Introduction? The introduction should be about 600 words. The purpose of this part of the report is to identify the background to your study. It should be explanation of where your research came from. It should start at a broad topic level but then narrow down to include only two or three studies that are relevant to your study. This will then flow into how this triggered the idea for your project, and what your aims and hypothesis are based on.
Structure of the Introduction Paragraph 1: This needs to be a general looking at reasons why people initiate romantic relationships with others e.g. when looking to develop romantic relationships with others people look to the appearance. The evolutionary theory suggests… Paragraph 2: Introduce the matching hypothesis and explain what it is. Include the computer dance study carried out by Walster et al. (1966). Paragraph 3: If you can introduce a second study that you have researched that is relevant to the matching hypothesis and discuss its findings. Paragraph 4: Discuss how you intend to replicate Murstein’s (1972) study. Explain what the results show and why you are replicating it. Finish with your aim and write your experimental and null hypotheses.
Checklist for this lesson Create standardised instructions Ensure you include a check of understanding. Create a consent form. Create a standardised debrief Write up your introduction Write your hypothesis and null hypothesis