The Organisational and Technical Aspects of Slovenian Open Access Infrastructure Milan Ojsteršek University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The Slovenian open access infrastructure is partly financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia within the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for Period Project ODUN
The state of open access in Slovenia in 2012 More than 40 open access journals and more than 20 digital archives and repositories. Publications have been duplicated across different repositories or digital archives. Inadequate quality of metadata of research publications, research data, dissertations and theses. Processes for submission of theses, dissertations, research publications, research data and other academic production have not been established. No common search engine for theses, dissertations, research publications, research data and other academic production. Lack of common recommender system and plagiarism detection system. Lack of metadata, data, content, submission and preservation policies.
Examples of national infrastructures of open access NARCIS, Netherland NARCIS RIAN, Irland RIAN NORA, Norvay NORA OA-Netzwerk, Germany OA-Netzwerk, Greece PLEIADI, Italy PLEIADI Federacja bibliotek cyfrowych, Poland Federacja bibliotek cyfrowych RCAAP, Portugal RCAAP RECOLECTA, Spain RECOLECTA DiVA, Sweden DiVA Plans: SHared Access Reseach Ecosystem (SHARE), USA SHared Access Reseach Ecosystem Digital Scientific Library, France Digital Scientific Library
Open Science Slovenia ( - similar content detection, - federated search, - recommendation system. Open Science Slovenia ( - similar content detection, - federated search, - recommendation system. DKUM RUL RUP RUNG ePrints.FRI PeFprints DRUGG SSDA Other digital archives A network diagram of the Slovenian open access infrastructure DIRROS REVIS dLib DKMORS Videolectures.NET SciVie
Institutional repository ARNES AAI or University authentication system Open Science Slovenia OpenAIRE, DART- Europe, BASE, ROAR, OpenDOAR … OpenAIRE, DART- Europe, BASE, ROAR, OpenDOAR … University Web servers University academic information system UL document management system EPrints repositories Videolectures. NET DKMORS Other sources JavaScript API RSS OAI-PMH XML or LDAP web service OAI-PMH XML JSON web service XML, web service, OAI-PMH web service SRU/SRW XML or LDAP The institutional repository linked to external systems and the national portal
The main advantages of the Slovenian infrastructure in comparison with other national infrastructures The plagiarism detection system. The central recommender system. Integration of institutional repositories with: – the information and authentication systems of the universities, ARNES AAI, – the national bibliographic system COBISS.SI, – the national current research information system SICRIS and – the national portal Open Science Slovenia. Availability of repositories from mobile applications for Android, Windows Phone, and iOS devices. Some new features in institutional repositories (mentor statistics, automatic document segmentation and the normalisation of authors using CONOR.SI authority file).
A sequence diagram of final study work submission and publication at the universities of Maribor and of Nova Gorica
A sequence diagram of research item submission and publication
Open AIRE compatibility
Statistics of keyword lists, associated with a selected mentor
Results of segmentation from PDF documents
An example of coarse-checking (above) and fine- checking (below) outputs between two texts
Recommendation of publications
Mobile applications
Open metadata
Javascript API
Benefits Open access to results of study and research activities of universities, resulting in greater impact (citation), consequentially better utilization rate of research funding from public funds, number of visits is one of the criteria for calculation of university ranking on Webometrics list ( (
New challenges Improving of cataloguing process in COBISS. Inclusion of spatial and temporal coverage in metadata of publications. Establishment of URN namespaces for our repositories. Establishment of digital preservation process. Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 functionalities for users of repositories. Usage of OpenAire API for controlling of insertion of project metadata. Inclusion of serial publications and monographies, produced by institutions into their repositories. Better user interface in institutional repositories for insertion and presentation of e-lectures, enhanced, serial and monograph publications. Establishment of processes for publication of research data in different research areas. Automatic extraction of uncontrolled keywords and classification with UDC, Eurovoc, LCH, Agrovoc, ACM, CERIF and MeSH taxonomies.
Where you find more information National portal of open science: DKUM: RUL: RUP: RUNG: DIRROS: REVIS: Our last publication: Milan Ojsteršek, Janez Brezovnik, Mojca Kotar, Marko Ferme, Goran Hrovat, Albin Bregant, Mladen Borovič, (2014) "Establishing of a Slovenian open access infrastructure: a technical point of view", Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 48 Iss: 4, pp.394 – 412Establishing of a Slovenian open access infrastructure: a technical point of view
Contact Milan Ojsteršek University of Maribor, Faculty of electrical Engineering and Computer Science tel.: ,