Case Assignment Enhancement For Private Provider Supervisors Note: This training does not include RH training.
Welcome to TFACTS Case Assignment Training for Private Provider Supervisors The meeting will begin at 9:00am Central (10:00am Eastern). You must call in for audio The phone in number is: Participant Code: # Please do not put your phone on hold. Do put your phones on mute to eliminate background noise. To mute/unmute press *6. You must watch and listen to the presentation to receive credit. If multiple participants are sharing a computer, please to ensure that you receive proper credit. training credit for participation.
Streamline/simplify the assignment process and the maintenance of case assignments Enable system users to easily identify who is responsible for tasks on a case Use assignment roles as a key to producing reliable, accurate caseload reports (in hopes of someday eliminating manual hand-counting of cases!)
A Farewell to Roles Private Provider Worker – Replaces: Primary Caseworker Family Services Caseworker Worker JJ Custody/Aftercare Worker and SS Custody Worker – Replaces: Primary Caseworker Family Service Worker Private Provider Worker – No Change Private Provider Supervisor – No Change
A Farewell to Roles Supervisor – A Supervisor supervises employees – When an employee is assigned, TFACTS knows the employee’s supervisor and can automatically make the association between the supervisor and the work item being assigned. – No need for a manual assignment of the Supervisor role. – Makes it that much more important to ensure your employee/supervisor data is kept current in TFACTS!
New Features Correction utility for assignments – Those who have the ability to make assignments will now have the ability to make corrections to assignments (dates, roles, employees, etc.) New Workload page design – Navigate to frequently accessed modules within a Case directly from the new Workload page – Manage assignments directly from the Workload page
New Features for Everyone
New Features Each agency will have an On-Call designee that is entered through the Network Development. It will be the responsibility of the agency to provide the on- call information to the Network Development and update as necessary to avoid assignment disruption issues. If your agency has not provided a designee to receive the assignment. Please contact your Network Development via .
New Features DCS Placements Specialists will make the Agency placement in the system The placement will automatically be generated and assigned to the On-Call Private Provider Designee based on the name and type of Placement. ** Note: Private Provider Resource Homes will be covered in the Resource Home Case Assignment Roles Enhancement Training The Designee will then assign the case to the Private Provider Supervisor/Worker
Adding Placement The Placement Specialist will no longer assign cases to Private Providers The Placement assignment will be system generated when Private Provider/Resource placement is linked and completed The system will end assignment upon the child being removed from the placement NOTE**The Private Provider case will continue to remain open for 30 days to complete necessary billing and case recording work.
Supervisor View & New Features Home Screen Re- design Shows workload sub tab with any cases assigned From their Workload screen, supervisors will see their staff and number of cases listed in the left column Workload defaults to display 10 items per page. Can change to display in groups of 20, 35, 50, 75, or 100 Jett, Joan (47)
Filtering Click on the name of the Private Provider Worker Case load for worker will be visible Click on the title bars and the system will sort Ascending or Descending
Filtering Click the funnel to see search and filtering choices for each grid column.
New Features – Workload Page Home Screen Re-design Shows workload upon log in Newly assigned work items will filter to the top. Recently assigned work items will be color coded. (Coding list TBD) The numbers in the far right column reflect when the action of assigning the work item to the worker occurred in the system. It does not represent the assignment begin date. Supervisors will see the same color coding in their worker’s workload.
Workload Case Options Custodial Case Types will now be titled “Ongoing Case” Cases will now be assigned as child specific to each custodial worker based on assignment role (Private Provider Worker) Clicking the arrow beside the item expands the item to display details and “quick links”. Click Select to open the family case.
Family Case/Assignment Information Once Selected, the Family Case opens in the Case Tab Assignment Information will have worker and supervisor listed together with the assignment role All children and youth assigned in the case will be visible Terry, Richard
Workload Case Options Click Recordings navigate to the Case Recordings page.
Add Case Recordings Utilize the search criteria button, add recording button and the print options, as per current practice
Desktop Sub Tab NEW LOCATION User must click the Desktop sub tab to display the Alert Summary and Message Board The Alerts and notifications module will be completely reconfigured such that alerts will function properly
Case Tab The Case tab now opens a case search screen.
New Features- You can drill down the assignment chain Clicking on a staff persons name will allow the supervisor to view that staff’s workload. Double click on the name of a staff member and the worker’s name and any employee’s they supervise will load. You can access the employee’s caseload with a single or a double click
Supervisor New Features – Manage Other Workloads In the name text box, another staff persons name can be typed in. Once the name has been entered, that staff person’s workload will display. Any staff that worker supervises will also display in the column on the left.
New Features – “Assign To” “Assign To” – User will begin typing the last name. – System will auto- populate matches.
New Features – Assignment Role “Assignment Role” – Drop down will allow the worker role to be selected. – Assignment Role will sometimes be auto- populated based on the work item or case. – Roles will be available based on the work item being assigned.
New Features – Child/Youth “Child/Youth” – Drop down will allow the worker to be assigned to a specific child/youth in the case or on a work item. – Assignment to children/youth will occur automatically in some situations.
New Features – Child/Youth After selecting an option for Child/Youth, a “Plus” button will appear next to the Child/Youth field only if there are multiple children/youth to select from in the drop-down. If there is only a single child available for selection, the “Plus” button will not appear.
New Features – “Child/Youth” After clicking the Plus button, an additional Child/Youth field will appear for selection. Clicking the Plus button multiple times will cause additional Child/Youth fields to appear until the number of Child/Youth fields is equal to the number of children available for selection. If you enter the same child more than once, the system will just add one assignment record for that child and ignore all the other duplicate entries.
New Features – “Date Picker Control” Date-picker Control – Look similar to current calendar function in TFACTS – Opens a calendar right in the date field. – No more pop- up calendar windows to interrupt the flow of data entry. – Can still manually enter the date without using calendar.
Supervisor New Features – Reassign Cases can be reassigned by clicking on the case and then clicking on the Reassign button. The system will generate a pop-up and the “Assignment Begin Date” and “Reassign To” fields will be required.
Supervisor New Features – Reassign Upon reassignment the case appears on the new workers workload instead of the previous workers workload.
Supervisor New Features – Reassign You can reassign one case or whole caseloads for a worker. Click the file and using Control (Select random cases to reassign) or Shift Select sequential number of cases. Click the Reassign button at the top of the workload page. Jett, Joan
Supervisor New Features – Reassign Enter date of assignment Enter name of person to whom assignment is being made Click Save
Adding an Additional Assignment Role From the Home Workload page, select the case needing additional assignment Click the Select “Quick Link” to navigate to Family Case
Adding an additional assignment role to a case Open the case needing worker role assignment Click on Assignment History link
Adding an additional assignment role to a case cont’d Click Add button
New Features – Assign To “Assign To” – User will begin typing the last name. – System will auto- populate matches.
New Features – Assignment Role “Assignment Role” – Drop down will allow the worker role to be selected. – Assignment Role will sometimes be auto- populated based on the work item or case. – Roles will be available based on the work item being assigned.
Adding an additional assignment role to a case cont’d Type Assignment name Assignment Begin Date Assignment Roles Child/Youth Click Save button
Adding an additional assignment role to a case cont’d. Workload screen reflects new assignment in worker caseload Case Assignment and assignment history reflect the new assignment
References Grand Region TFACTS Trainers West Grand: Middle Grand: East Grand: Regional FCCR’s EI_DCS_FCC_(name of Customer Care Service Desk Toll Free:
Navigating to Customer Care In TFACTS, click on the Customer Care link to access the Customer Care website.
Customer Care The Customer Care site has several tabs that users can access (Home, Customer Care, and Field Customer Care).
Knowledge Base Scroll down the Customer Care Home screen to locate and click on the TFACTS Knowledge Base link.
Knowledge Base Users can access various documents such as Release Notes and Case Management storyboards.
Contact with questions regarding training credit.