1.2.1 > ISPS Module ISPS Code Responsibilities Ship in Service Training Material
6 – Obligation of the Company The company shall ensure that the Ship Security Plan contains : - Clear statement emphasising the Master’s authority. - Master overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the security of the ship. - Request the assistance of the company or of any Contracting Government as may be necessary. The Company Security Officer, the Master and the Ship Security Officer shall be given the necessary support to fulfil their duties and responsibilities. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
The company must designate a Company Security Officer 11 – Company Security Officer ( CSO ) The company must designate a Company Security Officer - A person designated as the CSO may act as CSO for one or more ships. - A company may designate several persons as CSOs provided it is clearly identified for which ships each person is responsible. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
11 – Company Security Officer ( CSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 1- Advising the level of threats. 2- Ensuring that Ship Security Assessments are carried out. 3- Ensuring the development and maintenance of the SSP. 4- Ensuring that the SSP is modified as appropriate to correct deficiencies. 5- Arranging for internal audits and reviews of security activities. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
11 – Company Security Officer ( CSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 6- Arranging for initial and subsequent verifications of the ship by the Administration or the Recognised Security Organisation. 7- Ensuring that deficiencies and non- conformities are promptly addressed and dealt with. 8- Enhancing security awareness and vigilance. 9- Ensuring adequate training for personnel responsible for the security of the ship. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
11 – Company Security Officer ( CSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 10- Ensuring effective communication and co-operation with the Ship Security Officer and the Port Facility Security Officer. 11- Ensuring consistency between security and safety requirements. 12- Ensuring that the SSP for each ship reflect the specific information accurately. 13- Ensuring that any alternative or equivalent arrangements approved for a particular ship or group of ships are implemented and maintained. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
A Ship Security Officer shall be designated on each ship 12 - Ship Security Officer ( SSO ) Duty and Responsibilities A Ship Security Officer shall be designated on each ship 1- Undertaking regular security inspections of the ship. 2- Maintaining and supervising the SSP including any amendments to the SSP. 3- Co-ordinating the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ship’s stores with other shipboard personnel and relevant Port Facility Security Officers. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
12 - Ship Security Officer ( SSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 4- Proposing modifications to the SSP. 5- Reporting to Company Security Officer any deficiencies identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications. 6- Enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board. 7- Ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
12 - Ship Security Officer ( SSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 8- Reporting all security incidents. 9- Co-ordinating Implementation of the SSP with the company security officer and the relevant Port Facility Security Officer. 10- Ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and maintained. Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
17.2 - Port Facility Security Officer ( PFSO ) Duty and Responsibilities A Port Facility Security Officer shall be designated for each port facility 1- Conducting an initial comprehensive security survey of the port facility 2- Ensuring the development and the maintenance of the Port Facility Security Plan 3- Implementing and exercising the Port Facility Security Plan Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
17.2 - Port Facility Security Officer ( PFSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 4- Undertaking regular security inspections of the port facility to ensure the continuation of appropriate security measures 5- Recommending and incorporating modifications to the Port Facility Security Plan in order to correct deficiencies and to update the plan 6- Ensuring security awareness and vigilance of the port facility personnel Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
17.2 - Port Facility Security Officer ( PFSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 7- Ensuring adequate training has been provided to personnel responsible for the security of the port facility 8- Reporting to the relevant authorities and maintaining records of occurrences which threaten the security 9- Co-ordinating implementation of the Port Facility Security Plan with appropriate Company and Ship Security Officers Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
17.2 - Port Facility Security Officer ( PFSO ) Duty and Responsibilities 10- Co-ordinating with security services 11- Ensuring that standards for personnel responsible for security are met 12- Ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and maintained 13- Assisting Ship Security Officers in confirming the identity of those seeking to board the ship when requested Ship in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL