The importance of the collection pattern for OneM2M architecture Group Name: ARC/PRO Source: Mahdi Ben Alaya, LAAS-CNRS, Thierry Monteil, LAAS-CNRS, Khalil Drira, LAAS-CNRS, Meeting Date:
Introduction Collection is a pattern for RESTful architecture. Why collections are removed from the OneM2M architecture? – To reduce the size of the resource URIs ? – To provide a flexible resource tree structure? – To reduce server processing overload ? In this presentation we clarify a set of wrong assumptions about collections. Examples are used to demonstrate that: – Collections URIs are short and non hierarchal. – Collections resources do not cause a rigidness to the tree structure. – Collections do not overload the server. © 2014 oneM2M Partners 2
Introduction Collections provide essential features with a direct impact on the OneM2M architecture design, implementation, and performance. 1.Design: Collection simplifies the resource structure and make it easy to consume Collection URIs are required for POST request to be compliant with REST/HATEOAS constraints. 2.Performance: Collection decreases resource representation size and response time. Collection removes redundant resource type tags Collection size is controlled by paging links. 3.Implementation: Collections provides separate URIs for each resource type, thus the server knows the resource type just by looking to the request URI. © 2014 oneM2M Partners 3
Design (1/4) Collection is a pattern for RESTful architecture REST/HATEOAS constraint decouples client and server in a way that allows the server functionality to evolve independently. Hypermedia and links should be used to find your way through the API. (Follow-Your-Nose strategy). Servers must instruct clients on how to construct appropriate URIs without using out-of-band information. Leonard Richardson, inventor of HATEOAS, and author of “RESTful Web APIs” book dedicated the chapter 6 of his book to the collection pattern: Collection is a well known pattern for RESTful API. Example of existing HATEOAS media type supporting the collection pattern: Collection+JSON, AtomPub, HAL, JSON-LD, Siren © 2014 oneM2M Partners 4
Design (2/4) Flexible resource tree with short and flat URIs © 2014 oneM2M Partners 5 Example 1 (GET): The client retrieves a Container resource starting from the CSEBase URI making use of Collections pattern. Resource representations are small so it is easy for the client to use provided links to change the application state. Collection URIs are short and flat. Resource tree is flexible. An optional resource type prefix is used to identify resources e.g. “/a/a1” and “/c/c1”. – We have a unique resource name per each resource type. – For All requests, the server knows the resource type just by looking to the URI. NRequestResponse 1)GET /csebase … 2)GET /a … 3)GET /a/a1 … 4)GET /a/a1/c … 5)GET /c/c1 …
Design (3/4) Collection URIs are required for POST request © 2014 oneM2M Partners 6 Example 2 (POST): The client creates a ContentInstance resource on the retrieved container making use of Collections pattern. The server use collections URIs to instruct the client on how to CREATE a new resource. The server return back a flat and short URI for the new application. NRequestResponse 1)GET /c/c1 … 2)POST /c/c1/i xxx Location: i/i5 xxx … 3)GET /i/i5 xxx …
Design (4/4) Flat URIs without resource type prefixes © 2014 oneM2M Partners 7 NRequestResponse 1)GET /csebase … 2)GET /a … 3)GET /a1 … 4)GET /a1/c … 5)GET /c1 … NRequestResponse 1)GET /c1 … 2)POST /c1/i xxx Location: /i5 xxx … 3)GET /i5 xxx … No prefix is used to identify resources e.g. “/a1” and “/c1”. We must have a global unique resource name per CSE. For GET, PUT, and DELETE requests, the server must check the resource ID before to find the resource type. For POST requests, the server uses the Collection URI to find the resource type. Example 2 (POST) Example 1 (GET)
In the current architecture, the resource representation contains big number of links to all child resources which considerably increases the size of the payload. Collections organize resources of the same type in separate representations. The resource representation become small because it contains only few collections links instead of big number of mixed resource links. Without CollectionWith Collection … … … …. Performance (1/3) Collections reduce the representation size © 2014 oneM2M Partners 8
In the current architecture, each resource contains mixed resource links, so each link must contain its own type tag, which increases the payload size. Collections contain resources of the same type, so all redundant type tags can be factorized in one tag (the collection type tag), which decreases the payload size. Without CollectionWith Collection … … … … Performance (2/3) Collections remove redundant resource type tags © 2014 oneM2M Partners 9
Collections are designed to contain a big number of items. To limit collections size, it is recommenced to use collection paging. Technically the server returns the representation including a limited number of items, with "next" and "previous“ links. Example: … Performance (3/3) Collection size can be controlled with paging links © 2014 oneM2M Partners 10
When the server receives a resource, it validates the representation using the corresponding XSD schema file, and then parses it. In the current architecture, we define the same URI to create resources of different type. In the following examples, “/CSEBase” is the same URI for the 3 requests: To create a AE, the client send POST to /CSEBase with AE representation. To create a Container the client send POST to /CSEBase with AE representation. To create a Goup, the client send POST to /CSEBase with AE representation. The server will not be able to determine the type of the received resource. There is two possible workarounds: 1.The server will look inside the received representation to find the resource type tag, before validating the representation. (overload) 2.The server will try the XSD schemas one by one till it finds the correct one, if validation is ok, then it parses the representation. (overload) With collections, we have separate links for each resource type. The server knows the resource type just by looking to the request URI. Implementation (1/2) Resource type technical problem © 2014 oneM2M Partners 11
With collections, we have separate links for each resource type. Let’s consider the CSEBase representation: … We have now a different URI for each resource creation request: To create a AE, the client send POST to /a with AE representation. To create a Container the client send POST to /c with Container representation. To create a Goup, the client send POST to /g with AE representation. The server knows the resource type just by looking to the request URI. This is the natural way to solve the resource type issue. Implementation (2/2) Collection URIs solve the resource type problem © 2014 oneM2M Partners 12
Collection items next 0..1 prev 0..1 … … 0..n Attribute 0..1 Collection resource type structure Collection resource XML example Generic Collection resource structure The Collection resource could have a specific structure depending on the items type. (Example ETSI M2M collections) The collection could also have a generic structure supporting all item types. Example: © 2014 oneM2M Partners 13
Resource Type Short DescriptionChild Resource Types Parent Resource Types Clause Content Instance Represents a data instance in the container resourcesubscriptioncontainer9.6.7 AEStores information about the AE. It is created as a result of successful registration of an AE with the registrar CSE subscription, container, group, accessControlPolicy, mgmtObj, commCapabilities, pollingChannel remoteCSE, CSEBase containerShares data instances among entities. Used as a mediator that takes care of buffering the data to exchange "data" between AEs and/or CSEs.(…) container, contentInstance, subscription, application, container, remoteCSE, CSEBase CSEBaseThe structural root for all the resources that are residing on a CSE. It shall store information about the CSE itself remoteCSE, node, application, container, group, accessControlPolicy, subscription, mgmtObj, mgmtCmd, locationPolicy, statsConfig None9.6.3 Table Resource Summary Figure : Structure of resource Impact on ARC Child resource types must contain collections resources (e.g. AEs, Containers, etc.) Collection cardinality must set to 1. RemoteCses AEs Containers Groups AccessPolicies Subscriptions MgmtCmd LocationPolicies StatsConfigs StatsCollects CSEBase resource including collections example © 2014 oneM2M Partners 14 Figure 9.5-1: representation convention
Table ‑ 4: Reference of child resources Child Resource Type Name MultiplicityRef. to in Resource Type Definition remoteCse(variable)0..n7.3.1 node(variable)0..n AE (variable)0..n7.3.3 container(variable)0..n7.3.4 group(variable)0..n accessControlPolicy0..n subscription(variable)0..n7.3.6 mgmtCmd(variable)0..n locationPolicy(variable)0..n7.3.8 statsConfig(variable)0..n statsCollect(variable)0..n C.2. Container resource that conforms to the Schema in C.1 C.1.XML Schema for container resource type Impact on PRO Child resource types must contain collections resources (e.g. AEs, Containers, etc.) XSDs and XML file must be updated to have collection. © 2014 oneM2M Partners 15
The collection pattern should be integrated into the OneM2M platform to be compliant with REST architecture constraints, to improve system performance and to solve the resource type technical problem. To integrate collections to OneM2M, several changes should done on ARC and PRO specifications: – For each resource, same type child resources must be replaced with one collection link. – A new Collection resource must be defined. The collection structure can be generic. Conclusion © 2014 oneM2M Partners 16
References « RESTful Web APIs » book - Leonard Richardson, Mike Amundsen, Sam Ruby. Septembre ISBN: (See chapter 6: the collection pattern). Leonard Richardson Maturity Model ( REST APIs must be hypertext-driven – Roy T. Fielding ( HATEOAS and the PayPal REST Payment API ( hateoas-links) hateoas-links « RESTful Web services » book - Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby. May ISBN:
Thank you for your attention
(Annex) Does the discovery mechanism solve the problem ? The discovery mechanism cannot solve this architectural problem: – Discovery enables only to find URIs of a specific resources quickly based on some filter criteria, like a search engine. But, starting from the discovered link, a client should be able to traverse the API by reading media type and following link. – Rely only on the discovery mechanism to use the API is not HATEOAS or even REST. – In addition, to be HATEOAS, servers must instruct clients on how to construct appropriate URIs even for discovery requests by he mean of URI template, etc. © 2014 oneM2M Partners 19