ACHA Health Promotion Section Needs Assessment Results Spring 2014 (n=145)
At which type of campus do you work?
In which regional affiliate are you a member?
How many students are enrolled at your campus?
If applicable, which of the following special institutional attributes apply to your campus?
Which of the following populations do you serve in your health promotion practice?
Which best describes your PRIMARY role in college health? (SELECT ONE)
Which function best describes how you spend the majority of your time at work?
Do you work in the health promotion/wellness office on your campus?
Are you considered to be the head of your institution’s health promotion department sometimes referred to as the director or manager?
Do you consider yourself a “One-person Unit”?
Other than yourself, how many professional staff work in your campus’s health promotion department?
Select which best describes the staff who work in your health promotion office.
Does your campus health promotion have a peer education program?
Select the roles your peer educators provide on your campus (select all that apply)
To which department or administrative unit do you DIRECTLY report?
Under which administrative umbrella does your health promotion office report?
Does your campus conduct a campus-wide needs assessment of student health behavior?
Do you currently use the eighth edition of the CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education in your professional practice?
Do you currently use the ACHA Standards of Practice for Health Promotion in Higher Education third edition (SPHPHE) in your professional practice?
Does your department have a written vision/mission statement for your health promotion practice?
Does your department have a written strategic plan for your health promotion practice?
Which best describes the degree to which you most typically read the Journal of American College Health?
How many years of professional experience in college health do you have?
Please select the highest professional degree you have completed.
In which field do you have AN ACADEMIC DEGREE? (Please select all that apply)
Do you maintain any of the following national or state certifications? (Please select all that apply)
APHA (Please select and describe your degree of participation in national professional organizations (other than ACHA). (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
ACPA (Please select and describe your degree of participation in national professional organizations (other than ACHA). (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
NASPA (Please select and describe your degree of participation in national professional organizations (other than ACHA). (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
NIRSA (Please select and describe your degree of participation in national professional organizations (other than ACHA). (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
SOPHE (Please select and describe your degree of participation in national professional organizations (other than ACHA). (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
AASECT(Please select and describe your degree of participation in national professional organizations (other than ACHA). (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Other(Please select and describe your degree of participation in national professional organizations (other than ACHA). (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Which best describes your frequency of attendance at the ACHA Annual Meeting?
Have you ever attend the Health Promotion Section Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting?
Have you ever attended the Health Promotion Section New Member Welcome at the Annual Meeting (typically held in the morning of the first day before the opening general session)?
Have you ever attended the Health Promotion Section Social at the Annual Meeting?
Opportunity to earn continuing education credits(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Opportunity to network with friends/colleagues (To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
The location of the meeting is near my home(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
The location of the meeting is a desirable destination(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Opportunity to improve professional development skills(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Opportunity to learn new prevention practices, theories, and methodologies(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Opportunity to reinforce current methods/practices being used(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Opportunity to share/promote my own programs or practices(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Serving on/participating in ACHA and/or HP Section committee(s)(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Having the funds to attend(To what degree does each of these factors influence your decision to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting? (Mark the appropriate column for each row.) )
Are you actively involved in your ACHA affiliate?
Have you ever attended your ACHA regional affiliate meeting held at the ACHA annual conference?
Have you ever attended your ACHA annual regional affiliate meeting?
Please describe your involvement with ACHA.
Have you participated in any of the conference calls or webinars put on by the Health Promotion Section Member Development Committee?
Do you plan to attend the ACHA 2014 Annual Meeting in San Antonio?
What type of professional development sessions interests you most?
What type of information/skills/training would greatly improve your health promotion practice? (Please select up to 10)
I currently conduct assessment or evaluation research related to health promotion on my campus.
If you do not currently conduct assessment or evaluation research, is this something that you would like to do in the future?
Which of the following do you desire from your participation at the annual meeting?
If the HP section offers a social, which one of the following do you prefer?
How would you prefer to stay connected with the Health Promotion section of ACHA throughout the year?
Do you feel you know how to effectively advocate for Health Promotion on your campus?
Do you feel senior administration has a clear understanding of health promotion in higher education.
What type of campus advocacy skills do you feel would benefit your work?