2013 = 1.09
15.6% of Thailand International Tourists is 60+ years (Almost 4 million).
Key Success Value for money Diversity of product Thainess (Caring, Generous warm & Friendly)
The world's population pyramid
Character Less REVENUE More TIME Try to keep QUALITY of life Need HEALTHCARE
Aging Society Aged Society Super-Aged Society
Country 2013 MalesFemalesAge Population China 1,385,566, %48.20%18.20%13.60%58.80%9.50% 2.India 1,252,139, %48.30%28.40%18.30%47.90%5.50% 3.USA 320,050, %50.80%19.40%13.60%52.30%14.70% 4.Russia 142,833, %53.90%16.50%11.00%59.30%13.20% 5.Japan 127,143, %51.30%12.90%9.50%51.20% 26.40% 6.Germany 82,726, %50.90%12.90%10.30%55.30%21.40% 7.Thailand 67,010, %51.00%17.50%13.30%58.80%10.40% 8.France 64,291, %51.60%18.10%12.20%51.00%18.70% 9.Italy 60,990, %51.40%14.00%9.80%54.40%21.70% 10.World 7,162,119, %49.60%26.00%16.30%49.50%8.20%
Japan's population of 127 million people 26.4% is 65+ = 33 million people
70~ age 80~ age 60~70 age
Business Opportunities The elderly Japanese tourists - Slow Tourism - Volunteer Tourism Long stay Japanese tourists - Accommodation - Food - Medical services & nursing care - Golf / SPA