Journal To what extent does media coverage shape our perspective of issues and events?
Agenda The underlying motives or intentions of a specific group or person. Audiences not only learn factual information from exposure to news, but also learn about the importance of topics in the news based on how the news media emphasizes those topics.
Bias An inclination or judgment for or against something. Use these seven leading questions to identify bias
Bias in headlines Example: Does the headline express approval or condemnation?
Bias through photos, captions and camera angles Example: Is the subject shown in a flattering or unflattering way?
Bias through selection and omission Example: What has been left out that might affect/change the audience’s perspective?
Bias by Source Control Example: Who gets to speak, and who is silenced or paraphrased?
Bias through placement Example – Where is information placed in the article and how does this emphasize or downplay it?
Bias through statistics and crowd control Example: Do numbers seem emphasized or downplayed?
Bias through labels, titles or loaded language Example: Does the reporter use biased and loaded language to construct the subject? To what effect?
Due at the end of class on Friday: Guiding Questions On a piece of notebook paper, please respond to the following questions. Write 3-4 complete sentences in response to each question. How the Media Twist the News: Liaugminas relies heavily on expert testimony as a form of evidence. How does this impact her persuasiveness? Media Bias Comes from Viewers Like You: Cohen heavily relies on analysis of examples and anecdotal evidence. How does this impact his persuasiveness? Due at the end of class on Friday: Notebook paper with journal response & PowerPoint notes Annotations p. 272-276 Guiding Questions Questions p. 277