A Good Name Proverbs 22:1
Introduction Words of the wisest mortal who ever lived Solomon the son of David who was king of Israel He said that a good name is better (NIV- more desirable) than great riches In Eccl. 7:1 He said “A good name is better than precious ointment” Both of these statements indicate the value of having a good name This is the idea that I want to consider in the lesson this morning
What Is A Good Name? It is obviously not the name by which we are known For one name is as good as another And the good name to which Solomon refers can be chosen The good name is the person’s conduct that is associated with his or her name Today we would call it one’s reputation It is assumed that one’s reputation is the same as his/her character, but that is not always true- Rev. 3:1 It is gained by consistently doing what is right and fair
The Value of A Good Reputation- 1 1.It has value in business Customers will avoid businessmen who have a reputation for dishonesty They may even have to close or move But customers trust those whom they believe are honest and fair Sometimes when a business is purchased, the buyer will retain the name of the previous owner because of his good reputation Indeed, honesty is the best policy
The Value of A Good Reputation- 2 2.It has personal value Those with a good reputation will be respected and honored by good people They will want to associate with and be friends of those who have a good reputation They will readily help such people when they are in need These things are suggested by “loving favor” Money can’t buy friends
The Value of A Good Reputation- 3 3.It has lasting value and benefit Sooner of later, we must part with all our wealth Paul wrote, “ For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can take nothing out.”- I Tim. 6:7 A good reputation (character) will last beyond this life 4.It will benefit future generations The children of the righteous profit from the reputation of their parents
The Value of A Good Reputation-4 David wrote, “I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread. He is merciful, and lends, and his descendants are blessed.”- Psa. 37:25-26 The recent article in the bulletin told of a son who was able to buy some property because of his father’s reputation I am sure that I have profited from the reputation of my father and older siblings
The Value of A Good Reputation It has eternal profit The most important favor one can enjoy is God’s favor In the final judgment all will be judged according to his/ her works- II Cor. 5:10 Those who have a good reputation and favor with the Lord will have treasure in Heaven and will inherit eternal life That treasure includes helping those in need and supporting the Lord’s work- Mt. 25: 40 & Phil. 4:17
Christians Have A Good Name- 1 Every Christian wears the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ James said of some who were rich, “Do not they blaspheme that noble name by which you are called.”- Jas. 2:7 We should be willing to suffer for His name- I Pet. 4:16 The Lord expects us to bring honor to his name By living a pure and holy life- Phil. 2:14-15
Christians Have A Good Name- 2 Maintaining a good reputation among nonchristians- I Pet. 2:12 One of the qualifications for an elder is that he must have a “good testimony among those who are outside”- I Tim. 3:7 A good reputation is required to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world- Mt. 5:13-14 Christians who continue in sin bring dishonor and reproach on the name of Christ and on His family, the church- Heb. 10: 28-29
In Conclusion A good name (reputation) is a very valuable thing It not only benefits its owner but his family and his descendants Its benefit extends beyond this life Christians wear the best of names It is important for us to live like Him and maintain a good reputation so as to honor His name Are you wearing and honoring the Lord’s name this morning?