C ITIZENSHIP & PR C ARD R ENEWAL Changes to the Citizenship Act as of June 11, 2015 only affect eligibility for Canadian citizenship going forward. All existing applications are not affected by the changes. Requirements for renewal of your Permanent Resident Card have not changed: ◦ Two years (730 days) inside Canada in the last five years ◦ OR working full-time for a Canadian company overseas ◦ OR accompanying a Canadian citizen spouse overseas PR Cards can be renewed every five years as long as requirements are met. It is not necessary to ever apply for citizenship if you are not qualified.
W HY THE CHANGES ? “Among the many benefits of the government's citizenship reforms, the new provisions will deter citizens of convenience – those who become citizens for the sake of having a Canadian passport to return to Canada to access taxpayer-funded benefits that come with citizenship status, without having any attachment to Canada, or contributing to the economy”. - Citizenship & Immigration Canada
K EY CHANGES INCLUDE : 1.Adult applicants must now be physically present in Canada for at least 1,460 days (four years) during the six years before the date of their application, 2.Adult applicants must be physically present in Canada for at least 183 days (six months) in each of four calendar years within the qualifying period. 3.Basic knowledge and language requirements for applicants ages Applicants must declare intent to reside in Canada once they become citizens and meet their personal income tax obligations in order to be eligible for citizenship. 5.Stronger penalties for fraud and misrepresentation (maximum fine of $100,000 and/or up to five years in prison).
E LIGIBILITY Eligibility for Canadian Citizenship: age (18+ to apply) permanent resident status time you have lived in Canada (residence obligation) income tax filing (minimum four taxation years within last six years) declaration of intent to reside in Canada language skills (ages 14-64) how well you know Canada (ages 14-64) prohibitions (criminal convictions / prison)
P ROCESSING T IMES New citizenship applications are being finalized in one year or less Backlog of older files expected to be eliminated by end of this fiscal year Individuals who submitted a citizenship application before April 1, 2015 should have a decision by March 31, 2016 Non-routine applications could take an average of three years
M INIMIZING A PPLICATION P ROCESSING T IMES Submission of all necessary documents and correct fees Residence requirements are met No immigration, security or criminal prohibitions Language requirements for citizenship are met Knowledge of Canada citizenship test passed Hearing with a citizenship judge not required No request to provide additional documents (e.g., fingerprints, residence questionnaire, or documents proving residence in Canada)
P OTENTIAL C AUSES FOR D ELAYED P ROCESSING Request for residence questionnaire, documents proving residence in Canada, fingerprints, or any other additional documents Failure to submit all necessary documents or correct fees Uncertainty whether residency requirements are met Serious immigration, security or criminal prohibitions Failure to meet language requirements for citizenship Failure to pass or write Knowledge of Canada citizenship test Hearing with citizenship judge is required