Punjabi WordNet
Development of Punjabi WordNet User enter a word in textbox and click submit button. The system will display the corresponding result for the searched word.
Development of Punjabi WordNet We have also provided some words here by clicking on any word user can view the details about that word.
Strategy for Extraction Synset Information Table: wn_word Table: wn_synset_words Table: wn_synset Table: wn_synset_example Table: wn_synset_words Table: wn_word Table: wn_master_category
Table: wn_synset Table: wn_synset_words Table: wn_word Here in this example we have two types of category for the searched word. We can map category_value through category_id. Strategy for Extraction Synset Information Cont.
WordNet Relation Lexical and Semantic Relations Lexical relations are the relations between members of two different synsets. For example: Antonymy is a lexical relation, {rise, ascend} and {fall, descend} are opposites but not antonyms. {rise} and {descend} are not antonyms. Semantic relations are the relations between two whole synsets. For example: Hypernym/Hyponym relation. {organism, being} is hypernym of {plant, flora} and {plant, flora} synset is hyponym of {organism, being}
Table: wn_semantic_relations Table: wn_relation_types WordNet Relation Implementation Table: wn_word Table: wn_synset_words
Table: wn_relation_types Table: rel_hypernymy_hyponymy WordNet Relation Implementation cont. Table: wn_synset Table: wn_synset_example Table: wn_word Table: wn_synset_words
Demonstration of Punjabi WordNet