WorkBC: Assisting British Columbians to be First in Line for Jobs Presented by: Sergei Bouslov, Executive Director August 1, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

WorkBC: Assisting British Columbians to be First in Line for Jobs Presented by: Sergei Bouslov, Executive Director August 1, 2014

2 Overview  Performance highlights  Building on lessons learned  Areas of focus  Opportunities and future direction

3 Employment Program of BC  Launched April 2, 2012 after over 2 years of consultations  85 WorkBC Employment Services Centres (ESCs) throughout BC  100+ satellite offices with outreach and itinerant services  ESCs provide a range of services to any unemployed British Columbian  Assist clients to become employment ready and find & sustain a job

4 EPBC Services and Supports  Resume preparation  Assistance with job searches  Employment counselling and support  Interview preparation  Employment related workshops  Employment needs assessments  Financial needs assessments  Short-term certification  Assistive technology & devices  Skills training (funding for tuition and living supports)  Living supports during apprentice training  Preparation for self-employment  Customized employment  Wage subsidy  Job development  Job coaching  Follow-up support for job maintenance & retention 4

5 Program Figures Since April 2, 2012: Served 160,449 people, with over 80 percent receiving case management 38,776 employment outcomes achieved We achieve an overall employment rate of about 42% Employment outcome rate is nearly 80% for clients who have completed case management EI clients account for 36% and BCEA clients account for nearly a third of all clients 91,076 self identified as being from one or more specialized populations

6 Specialized Populations 31% 27% 22% 13% 11% 8% 6% 1%

7 Key Lessons Learned  Program Design:  A single program replacing ten legacy programs  Complex contracts to support program  Simultaneously designing program and system  Implementation :  Community level & internal organization changes needed to support program  Adjusting program model to realities of system  Ensuring financial viability for contractors

8 Collaborative Problem Solving  Collaboration and collective problem solving: o Ministry-contractor co-led working groups o Solutions have been jointly recommended and implemented on an ongoing basis o Continued focus on capacity building and service consistency  Flexible and adaptable program design  Fair and sustainable payment model  Collective effort to support program stabilization

9 Moving Forward – Key Priorities  Mobility of clients to satisfy labour demand  Greater focus on skills development training  Expanding networks with employers  Continued development of strategies to support specialized populations, including  Aboriginals  Youth  Immigrants  Persons with disabilities and multi-barriered

10 Moving Forward (continued)  Program initiatives to support all clients: o Accessibility 2024 for Assistive Technology o Customized Employment o Persons with Disabilities Employment “ Culture Shift” o White Paper Consultation President’s Group  Technology to support WorkBC: o Client Portal o BI Portal, common data sharing & analysis

11 BC’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint

12 Supporting the Blueprint  Continue flexible and adaptable program delivery o Identifying new and addressing existing gaps  Collaboration to improve outcomes o Contractors & career practitioners role o Utilizing Community Employer Partnerships initiative  Informed decisions (EPBC Program Evaluation)