Jordan’s Energy Sector Planning in the age of uncertainty Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources July 2014 A Story of Resilience and Flexibility
- 2 - Jordan Energy Landscape- A dry spot within an energy rich ocean Jordan is an interesting country – it is one of the few energy resource poor countries in the Middle East. Not only do we not have energy resources, but we do not even have sufficient other basic resources like water. Jordan is a small country of 9 million, but it is a growing country with a recent influx of over one million refugees fleeing from the civil war in Syria Fortunately Jordan has the most important resource – its people. It is a population that is both flexible and resilient and they have enabled the country to thrive in these interesting times. Key Strategy DriversJordan’s Energy Story
- 3 - As we navigate this interesting times in the region, flexibility has become the hallmark of our energy strategy planning What do I mean by “interesting times” – from an energy perspective? Jordan has always been a powerful force for moderation and peace in a turbulent region. The country’s leadership has always been well respected, and over the past years, Jordan has worked with its wealthier neighbors and been able to gain energy resources like oil or natural gas at very favorable terms. It has been very flexible in how it sources its energy and which countries it works with.
- 4 - Lessons learned What to do The challenge with being flexible and going from one energy deal to another is that it is very difficult to put this kind of energy supply in a forecasting model Jordan must be resilient, that is it must no longer just flexibly react and depend on friendly deals with neighbors, but must take control of its energy future and plan for its energy needs as much as possible – that is be resilient!
- 5 - We worked with several expert consulting groups and developed an energy plan that will deliver low cost, reliable and diversified energy Experts Recommendations In 2020 we hope to have 10% of our energy portfolio be renewable energy Nuclear power – targeting 6% in 2020 Natural gas is targeted to be 29% of our energy mix in 2020 Shale oil – planned to make up 14% of our portfolio in 2020 Import fuel oil from the spot markets to meet the rest of our needs – estimates at 40% in 2020 Key Objective Master Plan Energy Mix-2020 Objective
- 6 - Our Action Plan We are taking charge of our future, but that does not mean that we are not flexible – looking for low cost and reliable sources of energy when we are able to find them! As we have seen, the energy environment changes very rapidly, and Jordan will remain flexible and open to good opportunities !