Meeting of the CIRA Fellows May 6, 2015 Christian Kummerow CIRA Director
Broadly review CIRA activities and solicit advice from Fellows regarding strategic growth areas on which we should focus CIRA resources going forward. Objectives
On the NOAA side No permanent replacement for RAMM branch yet. Sandy Supplemental funds are healthy but significant reductions will begin next year H.R. 1561, the Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2015 has risks and opportunities Task 1 budget was not implemented well by NOAA. CI-21 On the CIRA side Creating WGs within CIRA to better manage manpower Continuing work to integrate CIRA work at different locations With Help of STAR and VPR, were able to purchase new antenna and hardware to ingest GOES-R data at launch. Chris O’Dell is returning to CIRA to lead Carbon effort. University Changes Approved salary increases of 2% Fy14/15 and Fy15/16 Recent changes in HR and Travel appear to be beneficial Significant Events
Strengthen interactions between CIRA and the Dept. of Atmos. Science Increased funding from 3 to 5 grad. students working jointly on CIRA/ATS projects One uses Colorado Lightning Mapping Array in preparation for GOES-R Continue joint Colloquia/informal meetings with ATS Joint CIRA/ATS proposal was designated PRSE. Continue to implement overhead return split for joint projects Strengthen interactions between CIRA, the College of Engineering and the Univ. Funding 1 student with Civil Engineering Plan to partially fund a graduate student in Sociology Strengthen interactions between CIRA and International Agencies Have good collaborations with JMA related to HIMAWARI-8. Saulo Frietas and Karla Longo (INPE) visited GSD for one year Short Term Goals/Accomplishments
Air Quality Had a retreat in 2013 to bring together the diverse groups in RAMMB, GSD, ATS and NPS Water Vapor, Clouds and Precipitation Leverage NASA/NOAA overlap Data Fusion/Data Assimilation Two areas of strengths that we want to continue to grow. New Intern program Using Satellite Data to Improve Models Revisit CIRA’s original mission. Had a retreat in April 2015 to bring together RAMMB, GSD and JCSDA groups. Long Term Goals/Accomplishments (Strengthen CIRA’s Research portfolio)
9:00 Introduction 9:20 Satellite Algorithm Development – Steve Miller 9:45 Regional to Global Scale Modeling and Data Distribution – Sher Schranz 10:10 Sandy Supplemental Projects – S. Schranz, B. Connell, M. Zupanski 10:30 New Initiatives – Data Assimilation Interns – C. Kummerow/James Taylor/Biljana Orescanin Evaluating Model Performance – Todd Jones Examining Model Processes – Janice Bytheway 11:15 Break 11:30 Education and Outreach – Matt Rogers 11:45 Budget Overview – Lance Noble 11:55 Closing Remarks – Christian Kummerow 12:00 Feedback from Fellows **On-site lunch to follow meeting** Agenda