Stewardship as a tool for Evangelization
Is it: Family oriented? A community that shares its mission? Growing? A worshipping parish? Fulfilling the needs of the parishioners?
Is that how you want your parish to be perceived? and If not, are you willing to change?
“If they are not coming to church, maybe it is because we are not feeding them!” Fr. Joe Creedon; ICSC 2013
Change is not difficult! As we age we change. As the weather changes, we change. As things get old, we replace them.
Our unwillingness to change usually comes from the fear of loosing something. For something to change something needs to be given up. When it is a group of people, the fear of change is multiplied.
Vatican II asked us to transform the culture. “In the last 50 years, instead of transforming the culture, the culture has transformed us!” Lois Locey; ICSC 2013
Church is now seen as a CHOICE. Declining populations. Fewer people to pay the bills. Increased regulations. More bills to pay. Shortage of Priests and religious. Greater emphasis on the operations of the parish. Less emphasis on mission.
“I am concerned that we are headed in a direction wherein the doctrine of the Church will be dictated by available resources.” Bishop Mark McDonald; TENS 2001.
Although it was always there, it wasn’t seen as a priority. We forgot how to do it. Saint John Paul II called for the New Evangelization 20 years ago. We are still trying to figure out how to do it.
Advances in: Technology (internet, social media etc.) Marketing Techniques Transportation Centralization (depopulation of rural areas) Science Changes towards the “-isms” (individualism, consumerism, etc.)
The positive side! More activities to get involved with Increased emphasis on safety, social justice, the environment, well being, etc. Increased global awareness. We are the most knowledgeable people in history.
The negative side! Increased gap between rich and poor. Decrease in job security Diminishment of good citizenship Whole new areas of crime. Used as excuses against participation in religion.
“People always seem to have the time and money for whatever they value most” Lois Locey; ICSC 2013 We need to transform the culture of our Parishes such that They invite, promote, encourage and assist people in making faith the thing they value most!
1. Focus on the “pastoral” mission. 1. The Mission should be perceived as the main goal. 2. The Mission needs to be regularly reviewed and evaluated. 3. The Mission needs to be shared. 4. Is the parish leadership, by their example, a testimony to the mission?
The following is a mission statement that seems to cover all the above bases, clearly and concisely. “ We the people of the Roman Catholic parish of _____________________________ in _______________________, are called to reveal the love of Jesus Christ to our community. Strengthened by the Word, Worship, Fellowship and Service, we commit ourselves to building strong families and supporting all persons on their spiritual journey. We express gratitude for our gifts by sharing them to strengthen our community by using them to provide opportunities for worship experiences, educational opportunities for all ages and the development of of fellowship and service projects. As a parish community of the Diocese of ______________________ we recognize that we are called to share in the ministry of the Catholic Church in cooperative efforts of peace, justice and community building. Our baptismal call as people of diverse backgrounds and talents is to be a light shining in our community and we commit ourselves to fulfill this mission.”
To follow Christ: “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Mathew 9:35 Is your Parish one that: TEACHES PREACHES HEALS
To TEACH Spreading the Good News is not limited to Sundays Technology: Websites: Catholics Come Home FaithLife Forum Swords of Truth Catechetical Training from the Diocese Skype The Resource Centre
To Teach by example Leadership that is exemplary; “You need to be the change that you want to see in the world.” Ghandi “ A good Steward is a responsible evangelist who helps others find their faith through actions. We show them our faith which, in turn, gives credibility to tell them. If we don’t show them our faith first, they are not going to believe what we tell them.” Fr. Joe Creedon
Teach the students in front of you. Consider: Their age Physical impairments like poor hearing and/or sight. Language
To Preach: All baptised have a priestly calling. Is the gospel visible anywhere aside from the mass books. On banners In you church sign. In the hall.
Does preaching occur in activities other than Sunday mass. Sacramental prep Post sacramental activities Special Pastoral Functions Is the preaching both transcendental and reverent. Fr. Jerome Lavigne
All should share the mission. The members are the community, not the building. Because it is made up of the children of God, it should have the same characteristics as a loving family. Be respectful of the culture of its members.
All should share the mission. The members are the community, not the building. Because it is made up of the children of God, it should have the same characteristics as a loving family. Be respectful of the culture of its members.