Prior Approval? Is That A Fact? Attention! Uniformed Guidance Audit Anyone? $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100
A plan to address deficiencies identified during an audit Answer Return to Main Board
What is a corrective action plan Return to Main Board
Answer $750,000 Return to Main Board
What is the amount of Federal award $$ expended in a fiscal year that triggers the need for recipients to conduct a single or program specific audit? Return to Main Board
Answer Questionable costs greater than $25,000 Return to Main Board
What is the dollar threshold when auditors must report audit findings in a schedule of findings and questioned costs Return to Main Board
Answer 3 years from the date the annual FFR is submitted Return to Main Board
What is the timeframe for record retention and access Return to Main Board
Answer $500 per year Return to Main Board
What is the amount of interest per year that may be retained by the non- Federal entity for administrative expenses Return to Main Board
Answer The OMB Circulars Return to Main Board
What are the documents replaced by the Uniformed Guidance
Answer December 26, 2014 Return to Main Board
What is the effective date of the Uniformed Grants Guidance
Answer An article of tangible non- expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Return to Main Board
What is the definition of equipment. However, consistent with recipient grantee policy, lower limits can be established.
Answer Supercircular Return to Main Board
What is another name for the Uniformed Grants Guidance
Answer T/F: The grantee/recipient retains program income after the grant has ended? Return to Main Board
What is true
Answer 120 days after the grant has ended Return to Main Board
What is the deadline for closeout documents
Answer This is how NIH now requires ALL annual progress reports to be submitted. Return to Main Board
What is through the eRA Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)
Answer FFATA Return to Main Board
What is the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act? This requires all grantees to report every subaward (consortium) of $25K+ through the FFATA subaward reporting system - Federal Subaward Reporting System (FSRS).
Answer Mandatory system (formerly the Central Contractor Registry (CCR)) used to validate grantee information Return to Main Board
What is the purpose of the System for Award Management (SAM) Return to Main Board
Answer Supplies Return to Main Board
What is another name for equipment that costs less than $5000 Return to Main Board
Answer T/F: Key Personnel named on a Notice of Award can reduce level of effort to “as needed” during no cost extension without prior approval Return to Main Board
What is False. LOE must be maintained during NCE unless NIH prior approval received for significant decrease or below mandatory LOE requirements. KP named on NOA must dedicate measurable effort. Return to Main Board
Answer The PI of a multi-PI grant goes from 7.0 calendar months to 1.2 calendar months effort Return to Main Board
What is significant change in level of effort. Prior approval is required when key Personnel REDUCE their level of effort by a ratio change of 25%. Return to Main Board
Answer T/F: Changing a multi-PI grant to a single-PI grant does not require NIH Prior Approval. Return to Main Board
What is False – Prior approval request should include an impact statement on the scope of work and budget. Return to Main Board
Answer Pre-award costs Return to Main Board
What are costs incurred by the recipient prior to the start date. If greater than 90 days, prior approval required. Return to Main Board
Answer T/F: An NIH-funded PI on sabbatical must request NIH Prior Approval. Return to Main Board
It depends. If PI will be away from the grant > 3 months while on sabbatical, prior approval needed. But, if PI not away for 3 continuous months and works on grant during sabbatical w/o sign. LOE reduction, prior approval not required. Return to Main Board
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