Managing Cybersecurity Risk in the Emerging Healthcare Eco-System Leslie Sistla Director, Technology Strategy, Worldwide Health Industry - Microsoft Richard Seiersen, GM Cyber Security & Privacy- GE Healthcare January 5, 2015
Agenda Speaker Introductions What are healthcare’s cyber security risks? What is the “Emerging Healthcare Eco-System”? How do we manage risks in the eco-system? Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing Initiative
Speaker Introductions Leslie Sistla, Director, Technology Strategy | Worldwide Health Industry Leslie has over 20 years experience in the healthcare/technology industry. As the industry technology strategist for the WW Public Sector-Health, Leslie is responsible for guiding the evolution of a growing ecosystem of enterprise solutions spanning a wide range of integrated health management systems, cloud, device management, and service lifecycle management/delivery in collaboration with customers, partners, industry organizations, and Microsoft product groups. Richard has ~20 years experience in Cyber Security. Most recently, he was the Director of Cyber Security for Kaiser Permanente and prior to that he held leadership roles in several silicon valley security start-ups. Richard is passionate about analytics and the role it can play in cyber security. He led one of the industries first data science teams focused on advanced persistent threat detection as well as the application of stream analytics to “data loss prevention”. He is currently co-authoring a book on cyber analytics called “How To Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk” (2016 Wiley & Sons). Richard Seiersen: GM Cyber Security and Privacy, GE Healthcare
What Are Healthcare’s Cybersecurity Risks?
Media Feeding Cyber Risk Awareness FDA, facing cybersecurity threats, tightens medical-device standards
Cybersecurity Risk Example Public Cloud
What Is The Emerging Healthcare Eco-System
Emerging Healthcare Eco-System Medical Technology Support Network Hospital Network Data Flows Multiple Institution Data Sharing Multi-Vendor Public Cloud 10
How Do We Manage These Risks?
How Do We Manage These Risks? Secure By Design Secure By Default Secure In Deploy
How Do We Manage These Risks? Secure By Design Secure By Default Secure In Deploy
Partners Make Us Safer: Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing Initiative