1 Schools Forum 11 December /16 Budget Gordon Shinn Senior Finance Business Partner, Children’s Services
2 Schools Budget 2014/15 Block Current budget Forecast outturn Forecast variance £000 % Schools 540,159539,148(1,011)(0.2) Early Years 61,92760,587(1,340)(2.2) High Needs 83,78683,050(736)(0.9) Total DSG 685,872682,785(3,087)(0.4) Grants (Pupil Premium etc.) 50, Total 735,878732,791(3,087)(0.4)
3 2014/15 Budget – key issues Payments for 2 year olds -£1.5m u/s –Lower take-up –One-off – participation funding from April 2015 High Needs Top-Up Funding (Statemented Pupils) - £592,000 o/s –Increased numbers Post 16 Top-Up Funding - £2,278,000 u/s –Costs & nos lower INMSS - £1,160,000 o/s –Tribunal outcomes
4 2015/16 Schools Budget – key features Minimal change in the funding formula ‘Cash flat’ settlement anticipated –Absorption of inflation impact –NI rate increases (2016) Minimum Funding Guarantee – remains at minus 1.5% per pupil Minimum Funding Level – nothing for Hampshire
5 2015/16 Schools Budget – key features Early Years –2 year old on participation basis High Needs uncertainty –Pressures –DfE Funding –EHCP
6 2015/16 Schools Budget – key features Pupil Premium –£20 increase Primary (to £1,320) –New Early Years low income - £300 –No other changes Proposals provide stability for 2 years –Subject to any national changes
7 Key proposals Permanent funding for Early Years one- off funding – £2.129m (from Growth Fund) Supplement Growth Fund with Equal Pay one-off funds (in year) – to meet demand over next two/three years Agree de-delegation and other central budgets
8 Key proposals MFG/Cap –Additional £0.5m through AWPU – all schools, permanent –Additional £1m for capped schools – for two years Speech and language therapy – additional £300k for KS2 One-off support to High Needs - £1m for two years
9 De-delegation ServiceBasisPrimarySecondaryTotal £000 ContingenciesAWPU Licences and Subscriptions AWPU Staff CostsAWPU Behaviour SupportIDACI and Low attainment 1,875731,948 Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) EAL and AWPU1, ,222 Total 3, ,909
De-delegation Support to continue with all services, other than Behaviour Support, already agreed Fischer Family Trust – add’l £50k Separate votes by primary and secondary school representatives only 10
11 Behaviour Support Item 5 – Primary BS Annual Report Significant developments and good feedback from stakeholders –New curriculum developments –In-reach & outreach –Staff development –PIs developed, assessment measure being developed
12 Behaviour Support Partnership work –HEP supervision –Inclusion and SEN –Workforce Development Team Challenges –Understanding differences between East and West –Restructure, new services –Referral numbers*
13 Central budgets Service£000 Growth Fund (Growing Schools, Falling Rolls, New & Reorganising schools, Infant Class Size, Temporary Classroom rentals) 5,497 Admissions996 Prudential Borrowing25 Termination of employment costs (ongoing commitments)658 Fees to Independent Schools for pupils without SEN220 Servicing of Schools Forum39 Capital Expenditure from Revenue Account (CERA)6,684 Contribution to combined budgets (Early Help, NEET)1,943 Total16,062
14 Central budgets Only two areas can be increased – Growth Fund and Fees to Independent Schools for pupils without SEN Others restricted to commitments/previous year figures Growth Fund –Reduce base budget to £2.5m, to release funds for ongoing Early Years (£2.129m) –Add one-off EPF (in 2015/16) CERA commitment reduces to £6.256m Combined budgets - Early Help (£1.6m), NEET Tracking (£333k)
15 Supporting Young People’s Participation Item 4 £300k (of £333k)NEET tracking funds –local contribution, creates an additional £375k 3 year project –£1.34m for £999k input (combined budget) –Pan Hampshire - £2.1m Support to 1, year olds in Hampshire, 700 Portsmouth and Southampton County Council delivery partner (420)
16 Supporting Young People’s Participation Bid by ‘On Track’ consortium, led by Barnardos, other partners Contract with Social Finance Youth Engagement Fund - £16m PbR Competitive bid process (2 stage) –Long list Summer –Shortlist submission 28 November – ‘in principle’ SF agreement as ‘local contributor’ made by Chair (Jan outcome) SF approval required to use the budget in this way for 2015/16*
17 Central budgets (Misc) ServiceDetails£000 ITHPSN2 contribution103 Minibus driver training Provide training leading to a MIDAS licence to enable school staff to drive minibuses 35 Headteachers' conferences Venues and reimbursements for chairs and clerks147 TravellersAllows EMTAS to provide targeted support for children of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage, the lowest attaining of any ethnic group. Support is provided in class and at a whole school level. 21 Asylum seekersUsed to support unaccompanied asylum seeking children placed in Hampshire schools and out of county. Support includes interpreting and translation, training for staff, assessment of language and learning needs and professional support. Also allows guidance for professionals to be regularly updated. 10 School leadership succession To retain and grow the supply and quality of leaders in Hampshire schools in response to a national shortage of school leadership candidates. 97 Independent Investigation Additional capacity for EPS to deal with high level of investigations. 10 Olympic LegacyFunds 50% salary costs of Olympic Games Legacy Co- ordinator. NB – Funding ends
18 Summary proposals Para Ref 2015/162016/17 £000 Ongoing changes Sources: Growth Fund3.232,000 Rates Rebates3.231,000 Total Sources 3,000 Proposed Allocations: Two year old funds – previously funded on a one-off basis 3.41,600 Three/four year old funds previously funded on a one-off basis Additional AWPU Speech and Language Therapy Fischer Family Trust Balance unallocated 21 Total Allocations 3,000 Net ongoing changes 00
19 Summary proposals Para Ref 2015/162016/17 £000 One-off changes Funds available Estimated 2014/15 underspend2.13,000 One-off commitments released: -Two year olds (£1.6m *2)3.43,200 -Three/Four year olds (£529k *2)3.41,058 Brought forward balance 5,258 Total funds available 7,2585,258 Proposed allocations: Capped Schools3.291,000 High Needs3.401,000 Total one-off allocations 2,000 Carry forward balance 5,2583,258
Summary Proposals Leaves £3.258m – one-off –Keep as contingency? –Growth fund/high needs Services for Young Children –£1.643m for two years 2015/16 & 2016/17 –Subject to review –Could earmark uncommitted funds to extend this 20
Other issues Revised top-up funding process for special school and resourced provisions –Termly –More efficient Early Years – 2 year old funding –Moves to participation basis in 2015/16 –Will be the same as 3/4 year old from April
Summary of 2015/16 proposals Delivers 2 year stability across all sectors: –Early Years made permanent (£2.129m) –High Needs (£1m for two years) –Additional school base funding (£0.5m AWPU) –De-delegation and other central services Creates a fund for basic need growth Speech and Language Therapy Reduces perceived unfairness to capped schools (extra £1m for two years) 22
23 Schools Forum decisions 1.notes the forecast 2014/15 budget position, based on figures as at October member representatives of maintained primary schools agree to continue with de-delegated services in 2015/16 as set out in paragraphs 3.10 to member representatives of maintained secondary schools agree to continue with de-delegated services in 2015/16 as set out in paragraphs 3.10 to agrees to continue to make provision for centrally retained services and other central services in 2015/16, as set out in paragraphs 3.18 to 3.27.
24 Schools Forum decisions 5.agrees the 2015/16 budget proposals set out in section 3 and summarised in the table at paragraph 3.41, subject to confirmation of final figures at the meeting in January considers whether it wishes to confirm its support to extending the funding of £1.643m per annum for Services for Young Children to 2017/18 or 2018/19. 7.agrees in principle to the release of any uncommitted Equal Pay Fund to be added to the Growth Fund, when figures are confirmed in 2015/16. 8.agrees to the proposed changes in top-up funding processes for special schools and resourced provisions from April 2015 as set out in section 4.