Activity 1.14 Finish it up Intro to Of Mice and Men Introductory notes OBJECTIVE: Analyze how conflicting images point to thematic points. Synthesize connections among multiple texts to support a thematic interpretation.
Analyze how conflicting images point to thematic points. Synthesize connections among multiple texts to support a thematic interpretation.
The Godfather The Godfather Interactive Tour of Ellis Island Interactive Tour of Ellis Island
“Ellis Island” Mark the conflicting images created by Bruchac. Slovak Grandparents Native American Grandparents
Beyond the red brick of Ellis Island where the two Slovak children who became by grandparents waited the long days of quarantine, after leaving the sickness, the old Empires of Europe, a Circle Line ship slips easily on its way to the island of the tall woman, green as dreams of forests and meadows waiting for those who’d worked a thousand years yet never owned Like millions of others, I too come to this island, nine decades the answerer of dreams. Yet only part of my blood loves that memory. another voice speaks of native lands within this nation. Lands invaded when the earth became owned. Lands of those who followed the changing Moon, knowledge of the seasons in their veins. Slovakian grandparents arrived in America and were excited to own the land they worked. Native American grandparents upset because the land they loved was being taken away from them. He is conflicted because of his dual heritage. EA 2: How is the American Dream different for the two groups included in the poem?
What is the conflicting image presented by Wheatley? How does America satisfy her American Dream?
T’was mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither sought nor knew. Some view our sable race with scornful eye, “Their colour is a diabolic die.” Remember, Christians, Negros, black as Cain, May be refin’d and join th’ angelic train.
How could you use Wheatley’s poem in EA 2? Jot down some ideas. Point out specific lines that would be helpful.
Contrasting Images Father vs. Son New Ways vs. Old Ways New Country vs. Old Country New Expectations vs. Old Expectations
What is the common theme among these speaker’s experiences? What contradictions do the writers present? How do the writers resolve the conflicts? Address the reality of the American Dream for these speakers.
born in California worked odd jobs won Nobel Prize for literature characteristics of his writing The American Dream The American Dream
social issues of the 1930s dreams of down-on- their-luck workers common man during Great Depression
The Setting The Setting 1937 Thursday- Sunday Salinas Valley, California Start here End here
The Characters The Characters George Lennie Curley Candy Carlson Crooks Slim Curley’s wife The Boss
The Themes The Themes The life of the down-on-his-luck worker is one of profound loneliness. Humans dream of creating a better life. The nature of human existence is predatory.
Foreshadowing Symbolism Characterization (direct and indirect) Conflict (internal and external)
movie trailer movie trailer