Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios Objectifs 1/ Liés à l’apprentissage donner à l’étudiant l’occasion de confronter ses réalisations à son projet personnel permettre à l’étudiant de partager simplement ses travaux pour des projets en équipe permettre aux évaluateurs d’avoir accès aux « assignments » de l’étudiant
Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios Objectifs 2/ Liés à la gestion de carrière offrir à l’étudiant un espace de présentation de ses travaux accessible aux recruteurs. permettre à l’étudiant de conserver son e-portfolio à la fin de sa formation (export).
Solutions envisageables : 1/ Elgg : Personal Learning Landscape 2/ OSP 2.1 : Open Source Portfolio Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios
HomeView recent announcements, discussions, and chat activity AnnouncementsPost current, time-critical information AssignmentsPost assignments and receive submissions online Chat RoomParticipate in real-time, written conversations DiscussionEngage in written conversations, not in real time Drop BoxAllow private file-sharing between instructors and students ArchiveMaintain an archive of all sent to the worksite's list GradebookCompute and store grades HelpAccess help documentation MembershipChoose sites in which you would like to participate NewsDisplay an RSS feed from an external site PreferencesSet your personal preferences, such as time zone, tab order PresentationPresent slides to a live audience, who can also view slides later ProfileLet users add and make public personal information, including pictures ResourcesAdd documents and URLs to your worksite RosterView list of site participants ScheduleKeep track of important dates and deadlines on worksite calendar Section InfoManage sections or groups within a site Site InfoView worksite profile and participants list SyllabusCreate a worksite syllabus Tests & Quizzes Create, administer, and correct tests and quizzes online, and automatically feed the results to the Gradebook Web ContentInclude external website content in your worksite WikiCollaboratively edit simple web pages Worksite SetupCreate and manage sites
Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios
Core features Weblog: Elgg's weblogging system is a central piece of the system, allowing you to reflect, discuss and announce as easily as clicking a button. Like every other object in Elgg, each weblog post can be shared with as many or as few people as you want - plus you can embed files and create your own taxonomy with keyword tags. Social networking: Elgg allows you to link to, and find, others with similar interests. Elgg uses social networking as a means of finding and sharing knowledge with others. File repository: Elgg has a file repository which can be used to upload, store and share many different file types. Profile data: link to other learners and resources through your profile data, which tells the world a little about you and makes you easier for people to find. Tagging: Every object in Elgg can have a set of keywords, or 'tags', attached to it. Click on a tag to see every other object associated with that tag - people interested in it, essays about it, and so on. A world of related information, one click away! Collaboration Access control: Elgg's powerful access control system allows fine-grained privacy to all aspects of an individual's account. Community building: Learners can create their own communities around shared interests, with collaborative weblogs, file repositories and more. This is proving popular for research collaboration. Wiki: Elgg has code that enables a lightweight connection to a wiki space for communities - for this to work, you will need to install your own wiki then use the code to connect the two. Customisation Themes: Elgg comes with some standard templates, however, we recognise the need for people to customise their own environment. This is done through the templating system. Interoperability XML-RPC: You can use external blogging clients (like ecto, BlogJet, w.Bloggar or Performancing) to post to an Elgg site.ectoBlogJetw.BloggarPerformancing Syndication: RSS, Atom, FOAF - there are RSS feeds for learners, weblogs, communities, tags, and files. You can import your FOAF feed into Elgg. You can export a FOAF file as well as RSS. Podcasting: Elgg functions as an effective and easy to use podcasting platform. Creating a podcast is as easy as uploading an MP3 filepodcasting
Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios + Complet (voir features) - Complet (redondance avec Moodle ?) - Technologie utilisée (built on top of Sakai + java/Jsp) - Non trivial d’utilisation
Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios + Simple d’utilisation - Moins complet que OSP + Technologie utilisée (php) + Intégration simple à Moodle (il existe un plugin)
Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios Un exemple de fonctionnalité : l’import/export d’eportfolio Utilisation du standard FOAF (Friend Of A Friend)
Choix d’une solution Open Source de gestion d’e-portfolios Discussion Questions Choix d’une solution