NATIONAL OFFICE INITIATIVES Supporting the Strategic Plan June 20, 2015
Strategic Plan 1- Membership 2- Profile and Communications 3- Advocacy 4- Scholarships and Fellowships 5- Sustainability
1- Membership Supplies sent to Clubs8,514 Responded to Members’ Inquiries1,421 Certificates prepared223 President’s Operation Connect Membership Taskforce - support
CFUW News & Updates26 The Communicator2 Press Agency8 Week in Reviews16 2- Profile and Communications Rebranding and Modernization
Social Media Facebook and Twitter accounts created
Websites Redesigning national website 25 Clubs don’t have a website 13 Clubs have expressed interest 3 Websites already completed
Media Coverage President’s Editorials and Letters to the Editor5 16 Days of Activism to End Gender Violence articles8 International Women’s Day articles and media6
3- Advocacy Education Economic Security Violence Against Women and Girls, particularly Aboriginal Women and Girls
Advocacy Reproductive Health and Rights Gender Budgeting Prostitution International Women’s Day 2015 Federal Election Women Peace and Security
Advocacy - Government 14 meetings with Parliamentarians and Officials Post resolution package for adopted resolutions Letters to Ministers
Up for Debate Campaign: Turning Resolutions into Action CFUW part of core organizing team of the Alliance for Women’s Rights (100+ organizations) – CFUW staff leading the digital engagement team – 65 meetings with Alliance members, MPs and political staff – 100’s of hours on advocacy outreach
4- Scholarships/Fellowships Applications processed426 Responded to fellowships inquiries3,720 New Linda Souter Humanities Award New Aboriginal Women’s Award ready to launch in 2016 Inquiries have jumped by 415%
5- Sustainability Savings of $12,000/year on photocopier Increased non-member dues revenues – ex. Affinity Partners program and leasing of desks to women’s organizations Letters of agreement established for the 2016 and 2017 AGMs; increased time spent on supporting the LACs on AGM organization
Cost per month : $5.83 Cost per week: $1.46 Cost per day: 20¢ 20¢ Cost of Individual Membership Dues paid to National Office: $70 per annum – the cost of your fee paid to CFUW National