Hebrews 10:32-39 Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence.


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Presentation transcript:

Hebrews 10:32-39 Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence

Hebrews 10:32-39 A call for enduring faith and confidence in the face of persecution The Church today can relate to the early Church and Jesus’ command to “deny yourself and take up your cross daily…” We must decide, will we follow Jesus when things get difficult?

Three Things to Consider 1. Remember how God worked in the past 2. Focus on doing His will in the present 3. Look to his promises for the future

Remember the Past The trials we face today may be new to us, but they are not new to the almighty God Verse 32…the author encourages the original audience to remember the trying days when they were new believers. – trial = athlesis (athletics)- ridicule, imprisonment, & loss of personal belongings Verse 34- they JOYFULLY accepted this treatment

Focus on Doing His Will Today We should not respond to today’s trials by making our own plans. We should respond to our trials by standing firm in the GOSPEL Verse 35- “so do not throw away your confidence” – Not self confidence, but confidence in Christ and His gospel. – 2 Cor. 3:5 We shouldn’t look for a fight, nor bury our heads in the sand

Look to God’s Promises for the Future Verses quote both Isaiah and Habakkuk when the focus shifts to the 2 nd coming of Christ Our world may change, but our God never will. “We don’t belong to those who shrink back…” – Malachi 3:6 We shouldn’t fear nor panic

Our Enemy is Sin

Hebrews 10:32-39 Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence