December 15, 2014
Introductions Goals for the Day Agenda
California Department of Social Services Statewide Status Update
County Updates Where is your county in the process of Katie A. implementation? What is your County’s plan for continuation of the work? What are the barriers to success?
How We Got Here Streamlining Meetings with Families
Facilitating Child & Family Team Meetings: Resources & Recommendations Bay Area Academy December 15, 2014
Overview for Today Overview CIBHS role in Katie A. Technical Assistance & Training, funded through Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Statewide Leadership STEC Workgroup Six webinars focused on Katie A. Implementation. Two focused on needs of Small Counties. Trainings with each of the 4 RTAs Learning Collaboratives eLearning Course for Child Welfare – Understanding Children’s Mental Health System
Learning Objectives Increased knowledge of CFT facilitation Access to additional resources to support CFTs Share one idea from today’s workshop with your Katie A Team
Team - Teams - Teaming Why Teams? “The best way to achieve challenging goals is through teamwork: Teams nurture, support and inspire each other” “Leaders of the future will have to master the art of forming teams.... Future leaders will have to master teamwork... and work with and through others because no one person can possibly master all the divergent sources of information necessary to make good decisions.” “The results of collaboration are greater than the sum of each individual’s contributions This process is the major advantage of a multi-agency collaborative approach as it creates something that could not be achieved by any one of the individuals or member organizations working in isolation.”
Annie E. Casey Foundation Common approaches in Family Teaming Aim to involve families in addressing child’s safety, well-being and permanence Collaborative and strength-based Belief that children’s outcomes improve when families involved Team members share responsibility The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2009). Family Teaming: Comparing Approaches. Baltimore, MD: Retrieved from
Katie A Implementation - Teams Different teaming processes/history support Core Practice Model & Katie A Implementation, yet they have common themes: Wraparound Team Decision Making Child & Family Teams CFT Meetings Co-location Child Welfare & Mental/Behavioral Health Other examples
Counties Have Shared Hired youth/parent partners. Supporting parents/youth to be successful in their work includes training/support. Clarification of roles (TDM vs. Wraparound vs. CFTs) Need common language – many acronyms Some challenges with releases of information Culture humility/cultural sensitivity training for staff to better serve families
Elements of Successful CFTs San Diego State Social Work Department
Implementation of CFTs - Discussion 1. What are one or two of your challenges in implementation of CFTs? Any solutions? 2. How have you prepared family members, youth, others to participate in CFTs? 3. What are some of the lessons learned in this process?
Report Out to the Large Group Start with one table’s answers to the first question, then build upon those by moving to the other tables to “add on.” Begin with a different table with the second question, following the same process, etc.
Thank You! Kimberly Mayer, MSSW Associate Director CIBHS
Next Steps and Wrap Up