Traditional Swedish national costumes are sometimes worn on special occasions, such as Midsummer. All such costumes are brightly colored. Sverigedräkten, a version mainly in blue and yellow, has been the established National Costume since 1983 and is thus worn by royalty on some official occasions.
the old tradition of wearing folk costume is still very present on midsummer, weddings and special occasions. A pink apron was totally insane and no one in it’s right state of mind would ever want to wear it but it was some kind a way of testing modern expressions.Also,the black and white was used during personal mourning and the yellow is for funerals and also used when you where fasting
Is wearing a traditional wedding outfit from Dalarna.
The reason the "real" regional or national dresses are expensive is because they're entirely made by hand.It took months to make a finished dress. The reason that they have a blue and yellow national dress was because the cities and some other areas of Sweden did not have their own regional dress. So for every Swede to be able to dress up in a folkdräkt, the national dress was created. The regional dresses are for the area where you are born, which can be more or less specific - for the whole province or just a small village - but the national dress is for everyone and anyone.
The national clothing in Finland is very bright, colourful and interesting. Usually traditional Finnish costumes are rather warm, because the weather in the Northern Europe is severe and cold. A lot of accessories in Finnish clothing are made of leather and metals, bright embroidery and beautiful silk fabrics are used for decoration. Several centuries ago rich people in Finland used to wear impossibly beautiful costumes, but even poor Finns tried to look bright and colourful to adorn severe nature around them. Traditional national clothing in Finland dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries. Finnish national costumes are very different, because every region has its own historical, climate and traditional peculiarities. So, in every region there is native clothing which was formed by the living in specific area.
Finnish clothing has European features and specific influence of nature, climate and history of Finland. Traditional Finnish women clothing consists a smock, skirt, cotton blouse, vest or bodice, jacket, apron, scarf, headdress (cap, headband, hat etc.) and shoes. Traditional Finnish men clothing consists a shirt, trousers (long or knee length knickerbockers), waistcoat, jacket or coat, headdress, scarf and laced or buckled shoes. There are also a lot of different accessories like jewelry, belts, kerchiefs and so on. Finns usually used stripped cloth for shirts, skirts and waistcoats. Often colourful embroidery was used for decoration. But it depended really much on the financial status of a person.
During centuries national costumes in Finland transformed pretty much. It was caused by progress in sewing techniques, the impact of artists, fashion and the industrial production of clothes. The biggest changes happened in the middle of 20th century. Today Finnish national clothing looks very different from its prototypes. But people of Finland are doing their best to return the historical look of traditional costumes. They've found the "Suomen Kansallispukuneuvosto" (National Costume Council of Finland), that is responsible for researching, recording, documenting, educating, giving advice on, maintaining and developing the tradition of Finnish national clothing.
Czech traditional clothing are an expression of their land, ancient time and dwellers’ behavior. The Czech national costume can be divided into two groups: western and eastern parts of Czech Republic. It depends on the location of cities: the western parts are Bohemia and Middle Moravia, and Eastern is constituted by the remainder of Moravia and Silesea. The people on both sides of this west-east divide wore clothes made from wool and home spun linen materials, ideal for the local winters. However during the warm seasons they wore lightweight fabrics like silk. Women’s traditional costume consists of two aprons, which were tied at the front and at the back, and a white blouse. For men, a typical costume would include long breeches and a loose jacket. The Czech nation’s favorite cloth was wool and sheep skin coats have been a staple worn for ages across the Czech lands.
The most significant celebration in the life of any person is wedding, it does not matter whose marriage it is. Everybody wants to look ideally, especially heroes of the occasion, bride and groom. By tradition of any part of Czech Republic, bride used to wear the ancient dress. A color was gloomy, because it indicates the seriousness of her relation toward her future husband. However design was quite rich: jewelers, breads, glasses, flowers, ribbons, also crown was included in bride’s costume. In the whole Czech Republic the white or light navy blue coat symbolized the status of man. Therefore it is considered as festive clothing and was worn only in particular occasions like wedding. The coat was quite long and decorated with embroidery in the back. These patterns reveal to strong character of male, that his family would be protected behind his back from any misery.
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