Hayley E. Martin Public Relations Specialist East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, informally known as "tweets."–Wikipedia
Hot topic in all markets “FREE,” disseminate information, foster relationships, support the bottom line Has caused problems The Social Osama Bin Laden’s death
College students Kids Parents Grandparents (22% of grandparents over 60)
Pastors Agencies Hospitals Organizations …everything in between
“free” Keeps your organization relevant and current 2-way communication Short bursts of info Way to reach a very specific market Links
Facebook More than 6,000 “likes” Address negative comments More than 1,000 followers Posts about health info, research, product recalls, months of interest, fundraisers YouTube **Put 1-2 people in charge
(138 (37 tweets) in 48 hours Phone numbers, missing students, power outages, dispel rumors, locate supplies, debris cleanup, food, pictures, videos, give blood Twitter was only form of contact for some Would you use in a crisis situation?
Twitter More than 106 million accounts 640 tweets per second 140 characters Handle Profile Bio
@HayleyMartin87 “Warm weather and SEC football enthusiast. UTK grad. PR Specialist. Chronic windows-down driver. Southern through and “Health, diet and nutrition news from msnbc.com. and “This is the official Twitter account for Chick-fil-A. We didn't invent the chicken, just the chicken sandwich!
Who to Follow Follow 255 hospitals, gov’t organizations, local news personalities, sponsors, donors, guardians etc… Shorten links Bit.ly, owl.ly # #DWTKS
Tweetdeck Hootsuite Analytics Add social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wordpress, Foursquare) Schedule messages Create tabs Shorten links owl.ly
February 11, 11:24 p.m. via Hootsuite Ryan found two more 4 bottle packs of Dogfish Heads Midas Touch beer….when we drink we do it right #gettngslizzerd”
Red Cross admitted it accidently tweeted something intended for a personal account on it’s blog then tweeted a clever response- We’ve deleted the rogue tweet but rest assured the Red Cross is sober and we’ve confiscated the keys.”
Dogfish Beers asked fans to donate to the Red Cross and Red Cross used a clever fundraising pitch “Please join Dogfish Head Craft Brewery in raising money for the American Red Cross. If you’re interested in donating a pint, please click here to learn more about Red Cross blood drives. Note: Alcohol can often make you more dehydrated. Dogfish Head recommends not drinking immediately before or after donating!”here
Phone- Ubersocial/Twitter BE CAREFUL Use discretion Thursday and Fridays are the most active days of the week for Twitter. Each taking 16% of total Twitter Use p.m. taking up 4.8% of tweets in a day. A study from Buddy Media says that you get most engagement if you post at 7 a.m., 11 p.m. and 5 p.m. I tend to post between 9-11, at noon (so people can check on their lunch break) and about 3:30 Don’t do it unless you have something to say
Chance to be the expert Makes us marketable A voice to be heard Easy Research