Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan0 OCW Consortium – Kyoto, Japan Ad Hoc Session – April 20, 2006
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan1 I.Welcome & introductions II.Session goals III.Consortium portal IV.MyOCW V.Sakai-EduCommons project VI.Consortium wiki VII.Wrap-up Ad Hoc Session
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan2 Welcome & introductions A global gathering –China –France –India –Japan –Spain –United Kingdom –United States –Vietnam
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan3 Session goals Update everyone on status of projects Collect feedback Discuss possible next steps and resource needs in preparation for breakout sessions
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan4 Consortium Portal
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan5 Consortium Portal: Goal set at September 2005 meeting Team formed in January Goals –Help people find OCW material from member sites –Raise awareness of OCW projects and OCW concept –Inspire other institutions and faculty to participate –Present OCW as a clear model for open sharing –Develop a logo, tagline, and “member button” –Clear, simple, easy to use web site
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan6 Consortium Portal: Status Nearly ready for launch Reserved domain ocwconsortium.org Initial site design complete –includes logo, tagline, “member button” Initial content in “wireframe” (no design yet) Top four pages complete (see handout) Uses free Google for cross-site search Setup
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan7 Consortium Portal: Immediate Next Steps Collect feedback from members Launch phase 1 site shortly after Kyoto meeting –Incorporate feedback –Collect content for member profiles; add to site –Complete design for second-level navigation –Apply design to all pages –Modify Google search to remove client-side javascript Discuss responsibilities for news, user feedback, site administration Members incorporate “button” in their sites Discuss goals for next version of site
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan8 Consortium Portal: Goals for Next Version? MyOCW educational networking Multi-language support RSS feeds for courses –work together to develop common RSS feeds that can be aggregated into OCW Consortium: New Courses channel Search enhancements –work together to develop course metadata that can be aggregated ?? Resources??
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan9 MyOCW
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan10 MyOCW Goals User Support –Enable users with similar interests to form interactive communities –Provide users with spaces and tools to integrate OCW materials across OCWs –Provide space to structure and organize learning and progress –Provide space to create and share derivative materials
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan11 MyOCW Goals Movement Support –Expand access and use of OCWs’ high quality resources –Improve user understanding of the OpenCourseWare concept and Creative Commons sharing.
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan12 MyOCW Concept Networked Learning –Provide online forum and classroom setting –Open channels of communication to other institutions Professional Networking –Easy-to-use international community for professionals –Enable user-to-user sharing to enhance ocw-to- user sharing
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan13 MyOCW Potential Benefits Networking –Supports interaction among users with shared interests by role (educator, student, self-learner) –Helps users find like-minded people and their content –Potential channel for interaction between willing faculty and OCW users
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan14 MyOCW Potential Benefits Content –Enables interaction with other OER materials –Provides potential for sharing of derivative work (future) –Content updates through RSS –Translation and internationalization through GNU gettext
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan15 MyOCW Potential Risks Networking –Harassment of some users by other users (cyber- bullying) –Spam –Fraudulent identities –Fraudulent education schemes (e.g. someone posing as an educator and luring people to an outside site to charge them for materials or instruction that they never provide).
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan16 MyOCW Potential Risks Content –Posting of inappropriate content –Links to inappropriate content on other sites –Posting of copyrighted content –Links to copyright violations on other sites –Incomplete or missing attribution on OCW materials used –Fraudulent materials
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan17 Consortium Wiki
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan18 Consortium Wiki: Setup summer of 2005 Primarily for use by Consortium members Usernames and passwords for access Collaborative workspace for project teams, shared materials, announcements, etc. How can we make this space more effective?
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan19 Sakai-EduCommons
Universities working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through opencourseware. April 20, 2006OCW Consortium - Kyoto, Japan20 Thank You! Visit The OpenCourseWare Consortium portal at Contact the Consortium at: