PEDACTICE Project Antonio Duarte-Katja Vandenbrik MERLIN Workshop, Barcelona, May 2002
PEDACTICE Target population: Teachers Pupils Policy makers Multimedia producers
PEDACTICE Problems studied: Teachers‘ evaluation of multimedia products (WP 3) Pupils‘ learning with ICT (WP 4) Pedagogical efficiency of ICT (WP 5) Teachers‘ competencies concerning ICT (WP 6) Teacher-Training (WP 7)
PEDACTICE Specific goal of the project: Studying the ‚state of the art‘ of ICT use in European schools
PEDACTICE Objectives (I) of the project: Improving quality of teaching and learning while using ICT by considering Teachers‘ and pupils‘ assessment of ICT Pupils‘ learning with ICT Pedagogical efficiency of ICT Teachers‘ competencies concerning ICT
PEDACTICE Objectives (II) of the project: Developing a flexible model of Teacher training for teachers working with ICT Guidelines and suggestions for effective use of ICT
PEDACTICE Research Questions posed: Teachers‘ assessment Pupils‘ learning ICT Designers` views on learning with ICT
PEDACTICE – Teachers‘ Assessment Research Question: State of the art - Use/Evaluation/Experiences/Attitudes concerning ICT in school Instrument: semi-structured Interview/Questionnaire Qualitative approach Section 1: information on products Section 2: process evaluation Section 3: product evaluation Section 4: information on teachers Section 5: information on schools
PEDACTICE – Pupils‘ learning Affective - Motivation Interpersonal -Social interaction -Collaborative learning Cognitive - Learning strategies -Conceptions of learning - ICT competencies
PEDACTICE (Learning) technologies applied: Internet Multimedia products produced by companies (sponsored) Within the project partners: & conference system
PEDACTICE Role of ICT in the project: As learning materials within the school context As communication tool within the project partners: & confernce system
PEDACTICE Innovative aspects offered by the project: Integration of different target groups and (their interdependency) within the research questions Conceptions of learning with multimedia
More information on the PEDACTICE project can be found at: