Personnel Selection The process by which organizations gather information on job applicants and decide which job applicants to hire.
Personnel selection systems The procedures and tools used to determine staffing needs, recruit job applicants, gather information and make decisions on job applicants, and evaluate the effectiveness of procedures and tools.
Goals to consider for a personnel selection system Predict performance, satisfaction, staying power of job applicants Predict fairly – will not unfairly discriminate on basis of sex or race Select employees in an effective manner – that is, be logistically and administratively efficient Not adversely affect the organization’s public image – selection systems should not produce a negative impact on applicants
PERSONNEL SELECTION METHODS Methods for gathering information about job applicants which can be used in making hiring decisions. Examples include: Interviews, tests, letters of recommendation, application blanks
Components of a personnel selection system Recruiting Gathering information on candidates Making decisions on candidates Evaluation of selection system Modification, When necessary