Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Agenda for February 8 Administrative Items/Announcements Attendance 2nd Presentation This Thursday 1 st Exam next week Paper Assignment Distributed on Tuesday, 2/15 Feedback Exercise (quiz) Continuation of 1 st Presentation Are Cognition and Emotion Separate Systems? Today’s topic: Emotional Lability
Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Feedback Exercise Part I. Schachter & Singer (1962) posit two necessary conditions for the experience of emotion. What are they? Part II. Are emotions contagious? Why or why not? (Draw on today’s readings to inform your response.)
Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Continuation of 1 st Presentation
Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Emotional Lability Schacter & Singer (1962) Hypotheses: Euphoria Pattern: Epi Mis > Epi Ign > Epi Inf = Placebo Anger Pattern: Epi Ign > Epi Inf = Placebo
Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Emotional Lability, cont. Design: 3 x 2 3 Drug (Epinephrine informed, Epi. Ignorant, Placebo) X 2 Confederate Emotion (Anger, Euphoria) Plus offset Epi. Misinformed within Euphoria Primary DV’s Emotional state (behavior and self report)
Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Emotional Lability, cont. Schacter & Singer (1962) Results: Mood: Ss in Epi. Ign. and Epi. Mis. were more susceptible to stooge’s euphoria Behavior: Ss in in Epi. Mis. were more likely to behave euphorically than ss in Epi. Mis. Ss in Epi. Ign. more likely to act angrily than ss in Epi. Inf. Or in placebo. Discussion: Any problems with the study?
Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Problems with the Schachter & Singer Study 1. Experimental confound in the anger manipulation (questionnaire) 2. Comparison of self-reported euphoria (Table 2) not significantly different between placebo and Epi. Mis or Epi. Ign. 3. Only behavioral data for anger. Ss unwilling to act angry if it jeopardized extra-credit points?
Reason, Passion, & Social CognitionWeek 4, Part 1 Problems with the Schachter & Singer Study 4. The shot caused placebo subjects to “get the shivers,” potentially obscuring epinephrine effects. 5. S & S cannot, therefore, test their idea that “subjects will only reaction emotionally to the extent that they experience physiological arousal.