RenewAire is On the Move! New 35,000 SF facility
LEED and USGBC Background Eric Truelove The Renschler Company Madison, Wisconsin
US Green Building Council Formed in 1993 Nonprofit Consensus-based organization Develop and administer the LEED Green Building Rating System Reduce environmental impact of buildings Use 36% of our total energy output Use 65% of our electric energy output Generate 25% of our solid waste stream People spend 90% of their time indoors
Why LEED Was Created? Facilitate positive results for the environment, occupant health and financial return Define “Green” by providing a standard of measure Use as a design guideline Recognize leaders Stimulate green competition Establish market value with recognizable national “brand” Raise consumer awareness Transform the marketplace!
LEED NC- New Construction or Major Renovation
LEED – NC Version 2.1 Sustainable sites = 14 points Water efficiency = 5 points Energy and atmosphere = 17 points Materials and resources = 13 points Indoor Environmental Quality = 15 points Innovation & Design Process = 5 points 69 Potential points
LEED-NC Certification Certified Level26-32 points Silver Level33-38 points Gold Level39-51 points Platinum Level52+ points (69 possible)
LEED - NC Certification Process A three step process: Step 1: Project registration Site selection and document registration with USGBC Step 2: Construction phase Development of design criteria Creation of LEED letter templates and required engineering documentation Step 3: Building Certification Building completion and submission to the USGBC for final review
RenewAire Renovation Registered with USGBC on December 20, 2004 One of four LEED-candidate facilities in Madison Only major LEED-candidate renovation in Madison Only manufacturer in the Madison area to be in a LEED registered building
Sustainable Sites Built on previously developed site Site is not in 100-year flood plain Site is not near wetlands Site is not considered good farm land Easy access to public transportation Encourages biking to work
Energy and Atmosphere High-efficiency cooling (30% beyond code) High-efficiency heating (10% beyond code) Six ERVs Low lighting power densities No chlorine in new cooling systems Management may purchase green power
Materials and Resources Reused over 75% of existing shell Recycled 75% of construction waste Used materials with high recycled content Over 20% manufactured locally Over 10% mined/harvested locally
Indoor Environmental Quality Low- or No-VOC or formaldehyde Adhesives, sealants, paints, and carpets ERV units recover humidity Protected HVAC during construction
Status of RenewAire Renovation Likely to receive 28 points 26 points needed for LEED certification 9 additional points possible 33 points needed for LEED Silver
Conclusions LEED upgrades cost less than $1/s.f. Anticipate a payback well under 2 years Building has been published in March/April 2005, eco structure RenewAire ERV on 2 other LEED-candidate buildings in Madison WEEBF Home Savings
Attributes of Good Ventilation Ample installed air flow Pressure balanced – both exhaust and fresh air blowers Quite operation Energy efficient An engineered appliance
Attributes of Good Ventilation
What is RenewAire? An advanced static-plate exchanger
What does RenewAire do? 1. Transfers heat by conduction 2. Transfers humidity using hydroscopic resin
How Does RenewAire Help Achieve LEED Certification?
For more information:
School LEED Building Northern Michigan University
Office LEED Building Wisconsin Electrical Employee’s Union
Hospitality LEED Building Suwannee River Visitors Center
Retail “Green” Building Bokoo Bicycles
Manufacturing LEED Building RenewAire LLC
RenewAire Production Ventilation Model HE2X – 1,500 CFM Exhaust and Fresh Air Supply
Environmental Benefits of an HE2X900 In One Year Saves 2,500 therms of natural gas Saves approximately $2,500 Reduces CO 2 emissions by 29,355 pounds Equivalent to CO 2 reductions from 44 trees Equivalent to taking 3 cars off the highway Reduced SO 2, NOx, mercury etc.
2004 RenewAire Sales 3.1 million CFM Providing efficient ventilation for over 200,000 people! Saving $4.3 million in fuel
2004 RenewAire Sales Result in a Reduction of 25,000 tons of CO 2 /Yr. !! 5,000 Cars Gone75,000 More Trees Or