 How to use Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Resources to enrich CTE and Foundation High School Programs Lori Knight, Education Specialist * Michelle.


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Presentation transcript:

 How to use Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Resources to enrich CTE and Foundation High School Programs Lori Knight, Education Specialist * Michelle Flatt, Education Specialist * Ron Whitson, TEA Statewide CTE Coordinator

 Review CTE Career Clusters®, AchieveTexas, and Perkins Performance Measures  Know which TWC resources help you determine which programs are relevant to your region  Investigate a showcase of resources from both TEA and TWC

Copyright © Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. ® 16 Career Clusters

Copyright © Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Concept Students can succeed in school, career, and life if they plan their own individual college and career success. Philosophy No career option is intrinsically better than the other. Whether the choice is right or not depends on the personal goals of the student. Goal To prepare students for college and career, and allow them to choose the options that are best for them.

Copyright © Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved.

Academic skills + technical skills + employability skills Preparation for college and careerLifelong learning, mobility, and advancement

Copyright © Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Secondary postsecondary linkagesFor all studentsFor all careers Partnerships with business/industry and postsecondary education

Copyright © Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Perkins secondary core indicators [of performance]  1S1: Academic attainment – reading / language arts  1S2: Academic attainment – mathematics  2S1: Technical skill attainment  3S1: Secondary school completion  4S1: Student graduation rates  5S1: Secondary placement  6S1: Non-traditional participation  6S2: Non-traditional completion

 Find data to support industry in your ESC. Pick Your ESC Choose Timeframe Generate Report

Start here on “The Future” Tab,

To see ESC 16 information, select the Panhandle WDA

Y OU WILL SEE : Counties Served Occupations Adding Jobs Fastest Growing Jobs Associate Degree Occupations Wage Information

 Create professional development for CTE Directors/Teachers using TWC Resources  Education Specialists can travel to schools, in-service events, and career fairs to speak with CTE staff, Counselors Teachers, Administration, Students, and Parents to connect the dots between education and career exploration  Collaborates with TEA to bridge the gaps among career clusters, programs of study, CTE and Foundation High School Program endorsement options and workforce needs

 Texas Education Agency –  AchieveTexas –  Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board –  Texas Genuine –

 To be added to our mailing list: o o Call our hotline PLAN (7526)  You will get notifications regarding: o Publication releases/updates o Software releases/updates o Webinar announcements o Newsletter announcements  To receive TWC legislative updates o Scan the QR code on the right

Career Fairs In-Service events Informative presentations Workshops or presentations for: Faculty, Staff, Parents and Students  Will travel  Will customize  And it’s FREE

What questions do you have? Lorena Knight (Lori) Education Specialist Texas Workforce Commission Michelle Flatt Education Specialist Texas Workforce Commission

Have a great day!