1 The TinyOS Documentation Working Group Kevin Klues TinyOS Technology Exchange (TTX) V February 22, 2008 UC Berkeley
2 Objective Build tools to develop and distribute online documentation for TinyOS Don’t write all of the docs ourselves Maintain infrastructure to help others do so
3 Model Similar to the model of the Linux Documentation Project HOWTO or Tutorial Short, informal document about a specific topic Written and maintained by small number of interested individuals Organized inside a Wiki framework Mantra is “More documentation is better"
4 Members Matt Welsh, Chair(Harvard University) Phil Levis(Stanford University) Kevin Klues(Stanford University) Michael Schippling(Santa Fe Institute) David Culler(UC Berkeley) August Joki (UCLA) Benjamin Madore(University of Pittsburgh) Steve McKown Ákos Maróy
5 Current Progress Wiki up and running at: All “official” TinyOS tutorials have been ported over (Lessons 1-16) Installation tutorials Linux and Windows MAC OS Xubuntos VMware virtual machine Index of contributed Code
6 Current Progress User contributed tutorials: Boomerang documentation from Moteiv Tunit installation and use Woes of bringing a new platform up and running What’s still missing?
7 Adding Documentation Anyone and everyone is encouraged to contribute!!! Login today and start writing tutorials immediately We’ll figure out the structure later