PHYSICS 231 Introductory Physics I, Sec. 1 Instructor: Scott Pratt Room 4208 A, Biomedical & Phys. Sci. Bldg , ext Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Wed./Fri.
Subjects Newton’s Laws of Motion Rotational Motion Gravity Thermodynamics Wave Motion
Grading % % % % % % % Midterms30% (15% each) Final25% Homework (CAPA) 25% In-Class Quizes 20% SCALES WEIGHTS
Grading Policies Grading scale is NEVER curved. Bring calculator and one piece of 8.5x11 paper of notes to exam. (both sides) Physical constants will be provided. Make-up exams provided for Midterms and Final, but must provide a valid excuse. No make-ups will be offered for in-class quizes, but lowest four scores are dropped.
Grading Policy (cont.) Each in-class quiz will count as 2 points (one for correctness, one for showing up) Quizes not returned, but grades posted. Homework due on Saturdays at 5:00 PM. NO extensions for homework assignments. Homework bonus points (10% for first try, 5% for 2nd or 3rd try). Above 100% counts. Final will be cummulative, but have more emphasis on final 1/3 of the class.
Important Dates End of tuition refund: Monday, Sept. 20 First Midterm: Monday, Sept. 30 2nd Midterm: Monday, Nov. 4 midterms given in this room Final: 9:00 PM, Dec. 9, location TBA
Homework All HW graded by LON-CAPA system 20 tries per problem bonus for 1st try (10%) or 2-3 tries (5%). HW is due 5:00 PM, Saturday afternoon. Help is offered in 1248 BPS. See web site for help room hours. To answer HW, dial into:
Text Book Serway and Faughn College Physics, 6th Ed. Thomson