1 Welcome! Tips for Joining the Meeting To join audio by phone: Call: Enter passcode: To receive technical assistance, please press *0 and you will be connected to a Net Meeting Conference Specialist Please remember: Mute your phone until the group discussion Use a land line, if possible Use a hand set, not a head set, if possible Do not put us on hold! (We will hear your hold music.)
2 High Priority Interventions: The Division of Community Health’s Intervention List Program Development and Implementation Branch Team Leads Wendy Heirendt April Bankston Lorraine Reed December 9, 2014
3 Learning Objectives By the end of the Webinar, awardees are expected to: Know how the intervention list can be used to inform their work plans Describe how the list will be used to frame future DCH feedback and technical assistance Use the list to guide conversations between DCH and awardees
4 Introduction
5 Assist communities with: Identifying high impact interventions Selecting and/or refining interventions Aligns with DCH Core Principles Purpose of the List.
6 DCH Core Principles Maximize health impact Advance health equity and reduce health disparities Use and expand the evidence base
7 FOA Intervention Expectations PICH Awardees implement priority interventions and related supportive and/or tailored REACH Awardees identify existing improvements not reaching priority racial/ethnic populations National Organization awardees support local communities in implementation
8 Definitions
9 Strategies and Interventions Strategy: broad categories of approaches to change health behaviors Improving access to healthy foods and beverages Improving access to smoke free environments
10 Strategies and Interventions Intervention: specific efforts that when implemented will impact a broader strategy Improving food procurement guidelines Increasing smoke-free protections in multi- housing
11 Types of Interventions Priority interventions - a subset of primary interventions that we believe will have the greatest potential reach and impact for the outcomes associated with the FOAs
12 Types of Interventions Supportive interventions - interventions that may not have high impact on their own, but can enhance the reach, effectiveness or knowledge about a priority intervention Tailored interventions – targeted culturally- tailored interventions to address subgroup population(s) experiencing the greatest burden
13 Examples
14 Example #1: Nutrition
15 Nutrition: Objective
16 Nutrition: Focus Area
17 Nutrition: Priority
18 Nutrition: Supportive
19 Nutrition: Tailored
20 Example #2: Physical Inactivity
21 Physical Inactivity: Focus Area
22 Physical Inactivity: Priority
23 Physical Inactivity: Supportive
24 Physical Inactivity: Tailored
25 Application
26 Key Points to Remember: The List Is a collection of priority, supportive, and tailored interventions Is not an all-encompassing list of do’s and don’ts Can be used to refine your objectives and activities Use a combination of interventions to achieve your objectives
27 1. Are Innovative/practice-based Interventions OK? Supported in the workplans Required to be rigorously evaluated Supportive or tailored interventions to expand or enhance the reach of a primary intervention
28 2: What about other interventions that we may have selected? Not restricted to only those on the list To include an intervention in your workplan, it must meet these criteria: Legal Evidence-based High reach
29 3. Can we conduct lower impact interventions? Can do these in conjunction with other high impact interventions Low impact examples include breastfeeding community gardens walking groups
30 4. Do we have to use the exact wording from the list in our CAPs? Use the wording from the list Can be a PPO or AO
31 5. How does the list align with the CAP format? Interventions can be included as a PPO or an AO It is based on your intent and defined outcomes
32 6. How will the list be used by the Division? Used to inform on-going work One part of a larger technical package Project Officers and other DCH staff may use the list to guide and focus your regular calls
33 Division of Community Health Thank you for your participation