Executive Report Chris Henshall PVC for External Relations
Business and Community Overview Funding and structures Links with business Partnerships Links with the community Enterprise Communications KPIs and risks
Systems and Funding HEIF funding increasing from £1.2m in to £1.5m in , £1.7m in , and £1.9m in Will be used to fund increases in staff and challenge funds to support work in departments EIO, RSO and RPO coming together in a new Research and Enterprise Office; Head of REO being recruited Business and Community Committee Good coverage of business side – including new Policy on Subsidiary and Associate Companies Beginning to engage with the community agenda
Links with Business (1) New facilities Nanocentre, NMR, Mass Spec Park Central and Biosciences Business Centre New research collaborations Software Systems Engineering Institute Brucker (NMR) BP (Nanocentre) Intellectual property Improved systems for identification and management Limited pipeline – no new spin-outs, but several licensing deals being developed
Links with Business (2) CPD CPD Unit formed within EIO/REO Leading national network of all UK HEIs UoY income now £5m pa Employer Engagement Increasing expectations and opportunities UoY Strategy now well developed Not radical change, but not business as usual either Expand: vocational curriculum; progression routes; work-based learning in curriculum and co- curriculum; placements and links with graduate employers; CPD; consultancy
Partnerships Science City York CLG formed and working well; new Advisory Board ERDF proposals – including £15.5m for enterprise and innovation on Heslington East Possible contracts for Yorkshire-wide Innovation Specialist Service (with YBL) and Innovation Hub for Sustainability Science (links to low Carbon futures and North Selby site) White Rose/Yorkshire Universities Low Carbon Futures Centre (YF support) WR Science Bridge with China in Nanoscience Worldwide Universities Network Leading spintronics, green chemistry, bio-archaeology, etc; exploring possible social science Grand Challenge Using to promote internationalisation
Community Work with the community continues, eg Science and music departments reach out to schools and young people; York Students in Schools; Volunteering Access to current and new facilities, eg pool University Concert Series Review Agreed University and Department contributions Improve marketing and sales Make more use of opportunities for corporate PR Community Strategy Part time appointment Develop clearer strategy; what we do and how we communicate it
Enterprise CETLE Enterprise modules rolling out to all departments Includes social enterprise Micro-incubator and student businesses Growing links to SCY and other local activity Business Awareness days for Departments Enterprising Researcher course for PhDs, post- docs and young lecturers Success with Yorkshire Enterprise Fellowships and other competitions Exploring opportunities to lead programmes within Higher York
Communications External Developing coordinated communications strategy for research, innovation and enterprise Glossy report/newsletter in autumn Merchant Adventurers’ Soiree – develop into annual (University) event? Internal Need to celebrate success and encourage others Range of focussed events (eg YSS Awards etc) Opportunity to combine annual Enterprise and Innovation Day for the University and town, with evening event for invited guests
Performance (1) Data has been problematic to define and collect January 08 return to HEBCI Survey provided accurate picture for first time Now including data from subsidiaries set up to handle business interactions
Income from business and public sector organisations, PrivatePublicTotal Contract R&D£2,991K£12,590K£15,581K Collaborative R&D £2,298K Consultancy£1,478K £1,536K £3,014K Facilities£2,048K £378K £2,426K CPD £500K £2,148K £5,038K Totals£7,017K£16,652K£28,357K
Performance (2) HEFCE published returns from all HEIs last week Analysing in relation to relevant data on size from HESA statistics Will present results and proposals for new Business and Community Strategy and KPIs to Business and Community Committee and Council in autumn Overall aim must be to optimise outputs from research base – need to get the balance right between modes of interaction with research users, and between work with business and public research funders Coordination with Research Strategy is thus key
Risks Will also be updating Risk Register Key risks in current register are: Failure to retain and develop business investment in University Failure to gain full value from synergies in work with public sector Failure to articulate and implement community strategy Failure to identify and exploit IP Failure to develop culture and environment