COMT 4/516: Communication and Leadership Seminar leadership concepts and theories, continued
Bass & Avolio: more specifics on transformational leadership Encourage innovation
negotiate a clear vision
develop human potential
model subordinating self-interest to group interest
Showing you care by: attempting to be the model for organizational behavior (being impeccable)
creating an inspiring or convincing vision
stimulating thinking
practicing two-way, individualized interaction with followers
Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy: situational leadership theories Hersey and Blanchard - Situational Leadership Theory Fiedler - Contingency Theory House and Dressler- Path-Goal Theory
A review Hersey and Blanchard task people directing coachingparticipating delegating R1 = not able or willing R1 R2 R3 R4 R2 = willing but not able R3 = able but not willing R4 = willing and able
Fiedler: Contingency Theory leaders are not chameleons, they do have learned behavioral tendencies.
Therefore we need to select the right kinds of situations for certain kinds of leadership
Fiedler’s model is a little confusing, but in general he suggests that: Structured tasks call for directive leadership (orders)
Ambiguous tasks call for participative leadership (negotiate)
Poor relationships with subordinates call for directive leadership (orders)
House and Dressler: Path-Goal Theory Leaders insure goals are valued
and, help workers find the best way (path) to get to the goal
Leaders need to: note leader’s preferred style
assess workers’ competency
assess the nature of the task
assess leader’s relationship with the workers
After these assessments: Provide direction when relations are poor; when the task is straight- forward; when workers are externally motivated
Allow participation when relations are good; when task is complex; when workers are internally motivated
Wheatley: Chaos Theory and Leadership order and chaos are in dialectical tension. Without chaos there would be no concept of order.
Even within chaos scientists have discovered an underlying order (strange attractor)
This means that we can know the limits of a system, but not what will happen next.
Knowing the rules of a chaotic system, which tend to be few and simple, allows us to generate (view) the entire system.
Wheatley applies these notions to organizations effective leadership is created using a few rules which consist of communicating a guiding vision, strong values and organizational beliefs
we have a bias towards stability, and we can learn to be more comfortable with (trusting) chaotic moments
avoid interference and attempts at control to allow flexibility and responsiveness in the organization
the strange attractor in an organization is the why, the meaning, the purpose of what we are doing.
we go to work every day and create what it all means.
If this is true why would we create a dysfunctional, meaningless organization?
In the end we experience moments of both order and chaos at work
Therefore, we need to learn to value and appreciate: both creativity and stability evolution and coherence determinism and free will
Howell and Avolio: charismatic leadership charisma as leadership is leading via an attractive personality.
Charismatic leadership can be either ethical or unethical
ethical vs. unethical is determined by whether the leader’s intention is self-oriented (personal gain) or organizationally motivated (improve group)
Characteristics of ethical/unethical charismatic leaders ethical charismatics use power in socially constructive ways
their vision is follower driven
ethical charismatics seek input, feedback from followers and learn from criticism
ethical charismatics stimulate and develop followers
ethical charismatics develop moral standards based upon courage, fairness, and integrity
Ethical charismatic leaders empower workers rather than enslave workers
avoid being seduced by their popularity, they remain humble and self-critical (absolute power corrupts absolutely)
Encouraging ethical charismatic leadership top management is committed to support it
recruit, promote, etc. people with high moral standards
develop performance standards and rewards which recognize civility and respect for others
educate towards an appreciation of diversity
teach ethical leadership to those with charisma
identify corporate heroines/heroes who exemplify high moral standards