Note to presenter. You may need to modify to suit existing rule changes and tasks in your state.
Gliding Articles
FAI Badges All the information is in the Sporting code Read it and know it Become an official observer. The information given is a guide only. Do not assume that an observer knows. From my observations 50% Observers do not know some of the basic questions.
Silver 50k / 5 hours / 1000m Gain in height 1% rule Don’t forget to notch the barograph You may do an out and return of 100k +
Gold 300k / 5 Hours / 3000m gain in height The 300k flight may be Goal, Out and return, 2 or 3 turning points.
Diamonds Goal. 300k Out and return or triangular course. Getting back to the start location. You may start in the middle of the leg but the distance is the distance between the 3 turning points. Distance 500k up to 3 turning points. You do not have to get back home. It can be a goal flight. Gain in height. Get a low point!
Turning points The flight path must pass in the FAI sector that is 45° either side of the bisector. If a logger is used the flight path is according to the Long Lat Position declared NOT the actual location.
Round the clubs 4 Turning points Beverley air / Cunderdin air / Narrogin Silo / Narrogin air 3 rd Saturday of the month starting October to March Gliders are handicapped and there is a 7% penalty for carrying water, Take off with water you have water.
Round the Clubs You may turn short provided you fly 100k minimum, total flight distance. If you score the minimum points are 500 the winner gets 1000 The aim is to score for your club, the more pilots that fly the more points scored. The winning club scores 5 points second 3 third 1 point.
Round the clubs Flights are sent to for scoring. Scores will be published on together with the rules. Follow the prompts. Contrary to some beliefs there is no cancellation of a day. One person scores they win. Know the rules!
Australian Decentralised Comp And Enterprise New rules are being developed to make the comp more simple, so check them out on the GFA web page. Not posted yet. 1 point per K handicapped. 10% bonus for FAI triangles 10% bonus for completing a declared task You may add a leg before and / or after the declared flight
Australian Decentralised Comp and Enterprise
There is category for pilots with less than 200 hours as well as others. The best 3 flights of the season will score. Flights require O/O They must be in to GFA within 1 month. Check the GFA web site for full details Starts October?
OLC On Line Contest Run by Aero Courier in Germany No declarations required Pure distance 1 point per K handicapped for the first 3 turning points 0.8 points per k for the next turning point 0.6 points per k for the final leg if 5 tp used
OLC The best 6 flights score. However you can score for the max kilometers flown and clubs can score cumulative kilometers.
AAT’s Assigned Area Tasks
What Are AAT’s A semi fixed task Flying from as starting point Via 2 or more areas that must be passed through Finishing at a finishing point The distance flown is measured from the start to the points in the sectors that give you the longest flight path.
Time Constrictions The time of a task is specified If the flight is shorter than the specified time the flight distance will be scored will be flight time / allocated time If the flight goes over the specified time there will be no reduction. Distance/Time flown. There may be bonus points for extra distance flown.
Time Suggestions It is generally best to be able to finish a few minutes over the time allocated. It is unusual that you can increase your average speed by flying for a longer period of time, because the proportion of the flight final gliding is reduced.
Where do you fly Fly in areas where you will get the best lift Do not fly in areas that will give poor lift Try to take advantage of streeting lines
For example plan for bad areas, do not get forced to fly into wet areas.
Basic Strategies Estimate the speed you will fly today And thus the distance you will fly in the allocated time. This is split into two components. Final gliding Inter thermal
How far will I fly Let us assume 6000ft start height. 4 Knot Thermals 3 hour task Glider Dry Astir NOTE FIGURES ARE APROXIMATIONS
What is Average Cross Country Speed? Final Glide Speed?
Calculations Final Glide Distance Final Glide at 75 Knots = 135 k/h For a height of 6000-(finishing height + Ground height) =>6000 – (500ft + 750ft)=> 4750ft. 4750ft = 1.47k 25:1 glide angle * 25 = 36K Final Glide
Calculations Final Glide Time 36K at 135 k/h = a little over 15 min.
Calculations Soaring Time of soaring = Task time – Final gliding time. 3 hours – 15 min = 2.75 hours Average cross country speed for Astir in 4 knots 82 kph. Distance to fly in 2.75 hours at 82 kph = 225 k
Total distance to fly Final Glide distance + Soaring Distance 36k + 225k = 261k Now Plan where you are going to fly.
Now where to fly Do not box yourself into a corner, OR
This is better
How do I fly there Put into your logger and draw on your map. The centre of the circle. The degrees of the sector if applicable. In addition put in some turn points that you intend to use. These will help straight line flying. ( More on this later)
Budget Note the time you intend to arrive at the provisional turning points
Flying Strategy Take a note of your start time When you can, calculate your finishing time Fly straight to your first turning point. As you approach the TP calculate your speed v your estimate for soaring flight. Are you ahead or behind schedule. If you are behind be prepared to turn early If you are ahead continue straight on to extend track.
Turn when it is time
Do not fly a curved path
Flying Tactics Now carry on to the next sector in a straight line to one of the pre selected turning points. Have an idea as to your schedule but do not spend all the flight calculating As you enter the sector work out how far you are going to fly in. When it is time to turn make that decision and turn.
Coming home Now you have decided to come home you are committed. Do not recalculate once you have turned. Better to turn back a little late than a little early. Now concern yourself with getting back
Safety Despite comments to the contrary the probability of mid airs is more likely than with POST tasking and fixed tasks. A number of aircraft are in a similar area but flying in different directions Collision courses will be both merging paths and crossing