Sept-Oct Council 2011 President’s Report
Overview 1. Introduction a) Former executive & committee b) New executive & committee c) Adelaide Council conveners 2. Direction a) Sponsorship & corporate relations b) Regional & international relations c) External relations 3. Goals a) Income b) Media targets c) Policy process
Introduction Thank you: Former executive Outgoing members of Council Adelaide Council Conveners Welcome: New Councilors New executive & committee
Direction “The national peak representative body of Australian law students ” How do we achieve this? Sponsorship & corporate relations: Meeting the sponsorship obligations Consulting with our corporate partners Revising how we do sponsorship ALSA as a responsible corporate entity
Direction Regional relations with? New Zealand Law Students’ Association Asia Law Students’ Association European Law Students’ Association American representative bodies Doing what? Attending conference/council meetings Competitions Publications Study tours
Direction External relations with? Law Council of Australia Council of Australian Law Deans Universities Australia The Commonwealth Minister for Education National Union of Students Doing what? Using their resources (e.g. data) Advocating on access to education, cirriculum standards, welfare etc. How can Council assist? Setting the policy agenda! Working parties Communication Breakout groups Sub-committees
Goals 1. Income Increase by 25-20% on sponsorship How? New target market, review of prospectus, new sponsorship structure & increased expectations by corporate partners 2. Media Focus = print and online platforms (The Australian, Financial Review, Lawyers’ Weekly) What does success look like? 3. Law Council of Australia and ALSA Closer policy ties Commercial relationship & in-kind sponsorship 4. Council Relations Increased policy consultation Executive accountable to Council on policy platform 5. Review of ALSA’s Executive & Committee Structure Report to be delivered by the President at July Council 2012 Council is to be productive, efficient and relevant
Conclusion Accountability Executive & committee reports at April Council Regular updates via online communication platforms Consultation Councilor involvement Working parties, Council meetings, informal channels of communication Feedback: