Slide title In CAPITALS 50 pt Slide subtitle 32 pt Baseband Multicore challenge A view from the Baseband Research Team
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge Baseband requirements & HW Hard latency demands – ”hard realtime” Should be reconfigurable every millisecond. Embedded – All resources always very scarce Partly “Embarrassingly parallel”, partly not. Scalability
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge Baseband requirements & HW Heterogeous (example: Cell) Special purpose accelerators Low power –> low clock frequency
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge Challenges Deployment Reconfiguration in runtime
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge The dynamic challange Demodulator Antennas Radio RX Receiver filter Extract user #0 FFT Extract user #1 Extract user User data Decoder User data Decoder User data Decoder AGC Scheduler Remove CP Demodulator “Embarrassingly parallel” Latency limit“Algorithm split”
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge Challenges Deployment Reconfiguration in runtime Programming model ”Engineering efficiency” Debugging Verification Heterogeous HW/SW? (Several types of functions, HW, and languages in system (assembler, C, Erlang, xtUML…)) For how long can we continue to build on ASICs+classical DSPs? How to be prepared for the new times to come?
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge Cambrian Explosion Proton
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge Important “multicore” questions: How to split a problem (e.g. de-interleaving) in “unnaturally” small pieces in the most efficient way (mainly regarding latency)? Different difficulties depending on target architecture… Which of the architectures on the market is the best for our purpose? How could it be even better? Which of the architectures on the market will be commercially successful? How is the relation between HW & SW development in these typically HW centered companies? Holistic? Cooperative? Ignorant?
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge “Multicore” hardware to keep an eye on: ASIC – hard as a rock FPGA – soft as a chewing-gum. Single- and few-core DSP & CPU Application Specific SOC’s. Single- and few-core DSP & CPU with off-load engine –Hard off-load engines –Software-configurable off-load engines SIMD MIMD Multi-core DSP & CPU TI DSP + Proton MPC8578
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge MPR view of the future: “For a project manager, the easy way out is to ignore the new extreme architectures in favor of conventional solutions. In the old days, nobody ever got fired for buying IBM. Today, the safe bets are probably DSPs or ASSPs from major vendors like Analog Devices, Broadcom, or TI. But taking the safe route may overlook a more-flexible, higher-performance, lower- cost, lower-power architecture—albeit one that requires more time to understand. A competitor that spends that additional time might design a better product. Such are the hazards of architectural abundance.” (Tom R. Halfhill)
Top right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. See Best practice for example. Slide title 40 pt Slide subtitle 24 pt Text 24 pt Bullets level pt Ericsson ConfidentialBaseband Multicore challenge