Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting1 RunIIb Silicon Project Successful Lehman Review Sept Workshop at LBL 10/23-10/25: Wednesday-Thursday hybrids testing and burnin plans status of construction and testing of modules and staves contributions and plans for various groups on Run IIb Friday (joint with D0) Chip status and schedule Grounding issues
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting2 Lehman Review Results No “Findings ” Committee was impressed with advance state of prototyping Told us to reduce the $ contingency and increase schedule contingency. Additional “guidance” from Lab has been included –we think we have a final schedule Total silicon project cost Now Oct 02: 14.3M$ + 5M$ contingency = 19.3M$ (FY02$) was 13.6M$ + 6.6M$ = 20.2M$ at Lehman Review We are approved as much as possible –Run IIb still contingent on accelerator review –still have to get through a few external reviews of project management issues.
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting3 Stave: conceptual view Mounting holes Chips Hybrid Pitch Adapter Cooling tubes Wing Cable Mini PC Mounts Sensors 2 sensors + hybrid = 1 module 3 modules per side 1 MPC per stave 1 readout unit per stave Stave is 66 cm long We now have all components in hand and have made the first electrical stave!
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting4 Silicon Sensors All detectors are single sided and based on the high voltage operation layout (CMS,ATLAS,L00) Prototype stereo sensors delivered to Tsukuba last week. High yield on axial sensors and high quality (0% bad channels grade “A” and 0.07% grade “B”) characterization of stereo sensors in progress Testing of irradiated axial sensors is in progress Production signoff scheduled for Nov. 25th
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting5 Prototype Stave Assembly
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting6 1 st Electrical Stave
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting7 SVX4 chip 1st full prototype submission in April ‘02 Chip back in June ‘02 Tested at LBL and FNAL No major problems found Corrections for bow and channel to channel variation are in progress Yield looks very good, ~85% (but low stats) Next Submission Mid. Jan.
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting8 Chip Schedule Summer submission (preproduction?) has only 10 days of slack on critical path
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting9 Module Ten modules fully assembled Hybrids work with No problems! Module tests at LBL in progress, Soon will test at FNAL (FCC) with full DAQ
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting10 Pre-prototype stave tests at LBL One module glued to bus cable on carbon fiber (top of stave) First results with deadtimeless operation on a stave! looks pretty good - many things still to optimize, all peaks go away with DPS (RTPS) on Second module sent to LBL and new results will come soon
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting11 Workshop: Friday Discussion with chip designers, CDF and D0 about chip schedule Two problems are being addressed with next submission Bow and channel-channel variations everyone seems to agree on the plan (we meet weekly) Simulations at LBL have reproduced the channel to channel variations Layout changes are in progress at LBL and FNAL: Submit mid Jan. 03 For next submission two new versions will be submitted: Min and Max changes. Also the current version of the chip will be included for quality control Grounding Discussion We are starting to work out plans for grounding staves –Connect CF in staves to ground at the mini portcard –Connect stave ground to bulkheads and screens –Connection to L0 ground
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting12 Critical Path Milestones Project complete 7/18/05! 2 nd prototype round 2/03 – 9/03 preproduction 9/03 – 3/04 Production 3/04 -3/05 1 st prototypes: now-2/03
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting13 Conclusion (1) We have an aggressive schedule, but already most of the prototype parts work well. 1 st electrical stave is ready for testing! Preprototype stave tests at LBL look good so far but just started. Commitments to Run IIb LBL is doing tests with prototype chips, hybrids, modules and pseudostaves and is committed to providing oversite of Hybrid production Davis is preparing for Hybrid burnin and testing Helsinki is going to send 3 people to LBL for ~9mths this spring and will continue to provide support for hybrid assembly, testing and burnin Will need to send more people to LBL/Davis for full production efforts Uof I is developing a PC based test stand Uof I and Rutgers are collaborating on Stave Burnin Sensor testing at Purdue, UNM, Tsukuba Discussions in progress of other groups – We need to get MOUs with all the groups
Brenna Flaugher Oct. 31 th CDF Meeting14 Conclusion (2) Completion date is July 18 th 2005 – our schedule Official completion date with Lab contingency is May 31, 2006 Could gain time on July 18 th date by eliminating the 2 nd prototype round of DAQ components. L0 is not on the critical path. We want to keep it that way. need to have acceptable cables to make progress on design We are already scheduling signoff meetings for going into production sensors – Nov. 25th beampipe flanges – done (beampipe is already being fabricated) Lab and Sidet are preparing to provide large labor force for Run IIb This is a great time to join Run IIb – Plenty of hardware projects for students and postdocs. Come talk to us!